UICB Fields
The following table shows the valid UICB fields. Specifying these fields in the EXTSTRLN parameter results in feedback in the extract area, defined by the EXTAREA parameter. Exact definitions are in the DGA$UICB macro found in $CD.SDGAMAC. In the table, the Control Block Builder Syntax Error Work Areas have a value only when appropriate. For the Boolean Flags, output is Y (bit is on) or N (bit is off).
Name | Type | LN | Description |
UIRCBLNG | halfword | 2 | The length of the control block |
UIDESCR | character | 16 | UICB identifier |
UITCA | address constant | 4 | Task Control Area |
UIBRCB | address constant | 4 | Batch Region Control Block |
UIDYNCB | address constant | 4 | Dynamic Allocation Control Block |
UITPCB | address constant | 4 | Text Parser Control Block |
UILEVEL | fullword | 4 | Modal level counter |
UITMPDCB | address constant | 4 | Temporary file DCB |
UIMSGCB | address constant | 4 | Message Control Block |
UIUNODE | character | 16 | User node ID |
UIUID | character | 64 | User ID |
UIPSWD | character | 64 | Signon password |
UINPSWD | character | 64 | New Signon password |
UITMPVOL | character | 6 | Volume serial number of temporary file if not specified by user |
UNTMPDDN | character | 8 | DDNAME used for temporary DSN |
UIUSRTYP | character | 1 | User Type (operator, administrator, user) |
UIAPPLID | character | 8 | VTAM logon ID |
UIRTNCD | fullword | 4 | API return code |
UIMSGID | character | 8 | API message ID |
UILNODE | character | 16 | Name of node that is "local" to DTF |
UILPP | halfword | 2 | Lines per page for printed output |
UITMPLNG | halfword | 2 | Length of TSO temporary file name |
UITMPDSN | character | 44 | TSO temporary file name |
UIPUBLNG | halfword | 2 | Length of Process Library name |
UIPUBDSN | character | 44 | Process Library name |
UIMSGLNG | halfword | 2 | Length of message library name |
UIMSGDSN | character | 44 | Message library name |
UINETMAP | character | 64 | Network map file name |
UIPROC# | fullword | 4 | Process number from submit |
UIDSPLY | address constant | 4 | Address of SCDSPLY |
UISTRING | address constant | 4 | Address of SCSTRING |
**************** | ************ | Start of control block builder syntax error work area | |
UILABL# | halfword | 2 | Length of IBM® Connect:Direct® label |
UILABL | character | 8 | IBM Connect:Direct label |
UICMD1# | halfword | 2 | Length of first word in IBM Connect:Direct command |
UICMD1 | character | 8 | First word in IBM Connect:Direct command |
UICMD2# | halfword | 2 | Length of second word in IBM Connect:Direct command |
UICMD2 | character | 8 | Second word in IBM Connect:Direct command |
UIKLST# | halfword | 2 | Length of keyword that starts a list |
UIKLST | character | 8 | Keyword that starts a list |
UIKEYW# | fullword | 4 | Length of keyword in list before error |
UIKEYW | character | 8 | Last keyword in list before an error |
UIPARM# | halfword | 2 | Length of parameter associated with UIKEYW |
UIPARM | character | 8 | Parameter in error associated with UIKEYW |
UIERRM1# | halfword | 2 | Length of UIERRM1 string |
UIERRM1 | character | 64 | All of the above work areas resolved into a string |
UIERRM2 | character | 64 | Msg ID and text for parsing error |
**************** | ************ | Start of boolean flags | |
UIERRON | character | 1 | Indicates message in UIERRM1 |
UIERRLAB | character | 1 | Indicates something in UILABL |
UIERRCM1 | character | 1 | Indicates something in UICMD1 |
UIERRCM2 | character | 1 | Indicates something in UICMD2 |
UIERRSCP | character | 1 | Indicates parsing error |
UIERRC1O | character | 1 | Indicates open delimiter after command keyword, for example, "IF (" |
UIERRC2O | character | 1 | Indicates open delimiter after second command keyword |
UIERRG | character | 1 | Indicates VTAM error msg in UIERRM1 |
UIERRLST | character | 1 | Indicates something in UIKLST |
UIERRLOP | character | 1 | Indicates open delimiter after UIKLST |
UIERRLCL | character | 1 | Indicates close delimiter after UIKLST |
UIERRLEQ | character | 1 | Indicates equal sign after UIKLST |
UIERRLCM | character | 1 | Indicates comma after UIKLST |
UIERRLSP | character | 1 | Indicates space after UIKLST |
UIERRKEY | character | 1 | Indicates something in UIKEYW |
UIERRKOP | character | 1 | Indicates open delimiter after UIKEYW |
UIERRKCL | character | 1 | Indicates close delimiter after UIKEYW |
UIERRKEQ | character | 1 | Indicates equal sign after UIKEYW |
UIERRKCM | character | 1 | Indicates comma after UIKEYW |
UIERRKSP | character | 1 | Indicates space after UIKEYW |
UIERRBPC | character | 1 | Indicates close delimiter before a parameter in a list |
UIERRPRM | character | 1 | Indicates something in UIPARM |
UIERRPOP | character | 1 | Indicates open delimiter after UIPARM |
UIERRPCL | character | 1 | Indicates close delimiter after UIPARM |
UIERRPEQ | character | 1 | Indicates equal sign after UIPARM |
UIERRPCM | character | 1 | Indicates comma after UIPARM |
UIERRPSP | character | 1 | Indicates space after UIPARM |
UIF1SUBM | character | 1 | Indicates a submitted Process |
UIGOTDSN | character | 1 | Indicates found temporary file name as Signon command parameter |
UITFILE | character | 1 | Indicates data is generated into temporary file |
UIEOF | character | 1 | Indicates reached EOF of Process file |
UIMODAL | character | 1 | Indicates modal statement processed |
UITFILEX | character | 1 | Reserved |
UIMASTER | character | 1 | Indicates this UICB is master |
UIRECON | character | 1 | Indicates a reconnect attempted |
UIINACT | character | 1 | Indicates VTAM session for this UICB failed |
UILOCAL | character | 1 | Indicates local node session |
UIESF | character | 1 | Indicates ESF=YES on Signon command |
UIZOPSWD | character | 1 | Indicates blank password on Signon |
UIZNPSWD | character | 1 | Indicates blank new password on Signon |
**************** | ************ | END OF BOOLEAN FLAGS | |
UIRAT@ | address constant | 4 | PTR to resource address table |
UIDRLSE# | halfword | 2 | DTF release level |
UIDPUF# | halfword | 2 | DTF PUF level |
UIDPUT# | halfword | 2 | PUT tape number |
UILINE# | halfword | 2 | Line number within Process in error |
UIRLSE# | halfword | 2 | Current release, version and mod level |
UIPUF# | halfword | 2 | Current PUF level |
UI@MASTR | address constant | 4 | Master (user) UICB |
UI@ACTIV | address constant | 4 | Currently active UICB |
UI@FPTR | address constant | 4 | Next UICB |
UI@BPTR | address constant | 4 | Previous UICB |
UIALOTYP | character | 8 | Allocation type for temporary file |
UIALOPRI | character | 8 | Allocation of prime space for temporary file |
UIALOSEC | character | 8 | Allocation of secondary space for temporary file |
UIALOUNI | character | 8 | Allocation unit for temporary file |
UIALOVOL | character | 8 | Allocation of volume serial number for temporary file |
UIFOLD | character | 3 | Fold to upper case if YES UIPRTALC |
UIPRTALC | character | 80 | User-defined IBM Connect:Direct print destination |
UIPACCT# | halfword | 2 | Length of PNODE accounting data |
UIPACCT | character | 255 | PNODE accounting data text |
UISACCT# | halfword | 2 | Length of SNODE accounting data |
UISACCT | character | 255 | SNODE accounting data text |
UIGSCAPI (VM) | character | 8 | GCS API virtual machine identifier |