Monitoring Processes Based on Selection Criteria

You can monitor Processes based on selection criteria.

Select the criteria to use to include in a Process Monitor. Select one or more of the following filters: the status of a Process in the queue, the remote nodes included in a Process, the user who submitted a Process, or a Process name or number.

To identify what Processes to include in a Process Monitor:

  1. Open a Process Monitor window.
  2. Select Filter Using Selection Criteria Pages.
  3. To include Processes in a Process Monitor based on TCQ queue:
    1. Click Status.
    2. Select the status types you want to monitor. You are not limited to the number of status types you can request. The status types are defined in the following table:
      Status Description
      Execution Processes that are being serviced by the session manager.
      Pending Execution The Process was submitted with the maximum delay option set to zero.
      Waiting Connection The Process is ready to execute as soon as a session is available.
      Waiting Start Time The Process is waiting in the Timer Queue because it was submitted with a start time or date that has not expired. When the start time is reached, the Process is placed in the Wait queue to schedule for execution.
      Held Suspension The operator issued a delete process request with hold set to Yes.
      Timer Retry The Process is waiting for a retry attempt.
      Held for Call The Process was submitted with the Hold option set to Call. A session started from either node moves the Process to the Wait queue in WC status. The Process is placed in the Execution queue when the Process is selected for execution.
      Held Due to Error A session error or other abnormal condition occurred.
      Held Initially The Process was submitted with the Hold option set to Yes.
      Held by Operator A change process request with hold set to Yes has been issued.
      Held by Retain The Process was submitted with retention set to Yes or Initial.
      Select All To monitor all status types.
      Unselect All To deselect all status types.
  4. To view Processes based on Process name:
    1. Click the Process tab.
    2. Select the Queue to search in the Queue(s) field.
    3. To monitor a Process by name, click the New icon, type the name of the Process, and press Enter. Repeat this step to add additional Process names.
    4. To monitor a Process by number, click the New icon, type the Process number, and press Enter. Repeat this step to add additional Process numbers.
  5. To view Processes based on a remote node:
    1. Click the Nodes tab.
    2. Choose one of the following:
      • Select the network map node in the Netmap Nodes field.
      • Click the right arrow or select All to select all network map nodes.
      • To type a remote node name, click the New icon, type the remote node name, and press Enter. Repeat this step to add remote node names.
  6. To view Processes based on a user ID:
    1. Click the Submitter tab.
    2. Type the user ID or user proxy in the User field.
    3. Type the node name in the Node field and click Add. Continue entering node names and clicking Add until you have added all user IDs you want to monitor.
  7. Click OK.