Changing Process Parameters
The change process command modifies specified parameters for a nonexecuting Process.
You specify the Processes to be changed by Process name, Process number, secondary node name, and submitter.
You can change the class, destination node, and priority. You can place a Process on the Hold queue or release a Process from the Hold queue by issuing a change process command with either the release or hold=no parameter.
If you submit a Process with a startt parameter, IBM® Connect:Direct® places the Process on the Timer queue. If a Process fails, you can move it to the Hold queue by specifying the change process command with hold=yes. IBM Connect:Direct then places the Process in the Hold queue in HO status. You can release the Process for execution at a later time.
You can set tracing for an existing Process by setting the tracel parameter to 1, 2, or 4. You can turn off tracing for a Process by setting trace1 to 0.
Specify at least one of the following search criteria parameters:
Parameter | Description | Value |
pname | Locate the Process to be changed by Process name. The Process name is limited to 8 characters on Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows and Connect:Direct for z/OS®. |
name | generic | (list) name—Specifies the Process name, up to 8 alphanumeric characters. generic—Specifies a nonspecific value for the Process name. This generic value, containing pattern-matching characters, evaluates to a list of zero or more pname strings. list—Specifies a list of Process names. Enclose the list in parentheses, and separate each value with a comma. |
pnumber | Locate the Process to be changed by Process number. IBM Connect:Direct assigns the Process number when the Process is submitted. | number from 1–99,999 | (list) number—Specifies the Process number. list—Specifies a list of Process numbers. Enclose the list in parentheses, and separate each value with a comma. |
snode | Locate the Process to be changed by the secondary
node name. This parameter can be used to specify a specific remote
node, a generic value for matching remote node names (using pattern
matching), or a list of multiple remote node names. The secondary node name typically contains the 1–16 character remote IBM Connect:Direct node name, but can be any string up to 256 alphanumeric characters long. You can also specify a remote node name as an IP address or hostname and a port number. |
remote node specification | generic |
(list) remote node specification—Identifies a specific remote node name. generic—Specifies a nonspecific value for the remote node name. This generic value, containing pattern-matching characters, evaluates to a list of zero or more remote node names. list—Specifies a list of remote node specifications. Enclose the list in parentheses, and separate each value with a comma. |
submitter | Locate the Processes to be changed by the node specification (the IBM Connect:Direct node name) and user ID of the Process owner. The character length of this parameter is unlimited. | (node specification, userid) | generic |
(list) node specification, userid—Specifies the node specification (the IBM Connect:Direct node name) and user ID. generic—Specifies a nonspecific value for node specification and user ID. This generic value, containing pattern-matching characters, evaluates to a list of zero or more node specifications and user IDs. list—Specifies a list of node specification and user ID pairs. Enclose the list in parentheses, and separate each value with a comma. |
The optional parameters for the change process command are the following:
Parameter | Description | Value |
class | Changes the node-to-node session on which a Process can execute. A Process can execute on the class specified or any higher session class. The default class is specified as the sess.default parameter of the local.node record in the initialization parameters file. | The default is 1. |
hold | Moves the Process to the Hold or Wait queue. | yes | no | call yes—Places the Process in the Hold queue in HO status until it is released by another change process command. no—Places the Process in the Wait queue in WC (Waiting for Connection) status; the Process executes as soon as resources are available. This is the default. call—Places the Process in the Hold queue in HC (Hold for Call) status until the remote node (SNODE) connects to the local node (PNODE) or another Process is submitted. At that time, IBM Connect:Direct releases the Process for execution |
newsnode | Specifies a new remote node name to assign to the Process. | new remote node specification |
prty | Changes the priority of the Process on the TCQ. IBM Connect:Direct uses the prty parameter for Process selection. A Process with a higher priority is selected for execution before a Process with a lower priority. The prty value does not affect the priority during transmission. | 1–15, where 15 is the highest priority. If you do not specify prty, the default is 10. |
release | Releases the Process from a held state. This parameter is equivalent to hold=no. | none |
tracel | Changes the level of trace to perform for a Process. If you identify the SNODE or PNODE immediately after the trace level definition, the trace level is turned on for all Processes submitted to and from the node identified. |
level = 0 | 1 | 2 | 4 level—Specifies the level of detail displayed in the trace output. The default is 4. 0—Terminates the trace. 1—Is the basic level that provides function entry and function exit. 2 —Includes level 1 plus function arguments. 4—Enables a full trace. Basic diagnostic information, such as values of internal data structures at key points in the execution flow, are displayed. |
The following command changes the remote node name for the Process named cdproc to a new remote node, paris:
change process pname=cdproc newsnode=paris;