Generating a COPY Process

To generate a COPY Process:
  1. Select the CF option from the Primary Options Menu to display the COPY FILE Menu.          Connect:Direct Copy File Menu                   TIME: hh:mm
    CMD ==>
    NODE NAME: CD.NODE1________________________________________________________
    NODE NAME: CD.NODE2________________________________________________________
    PROCESS NAME:  COPYCF__                           SUBMIT MULTI MODE: N (Y, N) 
    CLASS:         ___         (NUMERIC)              VALIDATE ONLY:     N
    HOLD:          Y           (Y, N, OR C-CALL)      ZFBA:              _
    NOTIFY USER:   %USER___________________________________________________________
    PRIORITY:      __          (RANGE: 0 TO 15)       FASP:              ___
    REQUEUE:       N           (Y OR N)               FASP Policy:       _____
    RETAIN ON TCQ: N           (Y, N, OR I-INITIAL)   FASP Bandwidth:    ________
    START DATE:    __________  TIME: __________       FASP Filesize:     ________
    CHECKPOINT:    ________    (BYTE INTERVAL - NK|NM)
    DEBUG:         ________    (HEXADECIMAL)
    PLEXCLASS:     ________ ________ (PNODE SNODE)
    COMPRESS:      N____       (Y, N, X-EXTENDED, X'XX', OR C'C')
  2. If necessary, rename the COPYCF Process by typing a name in the PROCESS NAME field.
  3. For descriptions of SUBMIT parameters not included in the following table, press PF1 or see SUBMIT Command.
    Parameter Name Description
    SENDING ENVIRONMENT Specifies the operating system or platform from which the file is transmitted. The values you place in the Sending Environment and Node Name fields determine which Sending File screen is displayed.
    NODE NAME Specifies the name of the IBM® Connect:Direct® node from which the file is transmitted.
    TRANSPORT Specifies the method of TRANSPORT IBM Connect:Direct uses for the file transfer.

    NETMAP—Causes IBM Connect:Direct to look in the network map for the sending and receiving nodes. If you type a Transport of NETMAP, the SNODE keyword remains SNODE=secondary node.

    TCP—Indicates that the NODE NAME field contains an alias name or an IP address. IBM Connect:Direct does not look in the network map for node information.

    DNS—Enables you to enter a domain name up to 255 bytes

    Note: If you type TCP or DNS in the Transport field, the SNODE keyword becomes SNODE=TCPNAME=tcpvalue.
    RECEIVING ENVIRONMENT Specifies the operating system or platform to which the file is transmitted. The values you place in the Receiving Environment and Node Name fields determine which Receiving File screen is displayed.
    NODE NAME Specifies the name of the node to which the file is transmitted.
    PROCESS NAME (optional) Specifies the name to be used under which the Process will be submitted. If you do not type a Process name, IBM Connect:Direct provides the default name COPYCF.
    SUBMIT MULTI MODE Specifies if multiple process re-submission to TCQ for execution are allowed.

    YES = Allows process re-submissions

    This enables process re-submission with same attributes.

    NO = Limits process re-submissions

    This prevents process re-submissions so that submitters are only able to make only one submission per COPY process.

    Any process re-submissions from users will be declined and the following message displays:

    Process NOT Re-submitted.

    You have already submitted a process with the same information! If you have not seen the completion message yet, then you can check on the progress of the copy using option SP from the main Connect:Direct menu. However, if you want to resubmit the process change the SUBMIT MULTI MODE TO Y.

    VALIDATE ONLY Enables you to validate the Process without submitting it.

    YES = Validate the Process, but do not submit it.

    NO = Do not validate before the Process is submitted.

    FASP Optional: Specifies whether Connect:Direct should request SSP to use the FASP protocol to the SNODE. Valid only when there is a FASP capable SSP and the SNODE is also FASP capable otherwise it is FASP=NO. Valid values are NO or SSP.

    Optional: Specifies the FASP Policy that SSP is to attempt for the FASP session. Valid values are FIXED or FAIR HIGH or LOW.


    Optional: Specifies the FASP Bandwidth that SSP is to attempt for the FASP session. Valid values are specified as nnn or nM or nG


    Optional: Specifies the FASP Filesize Threshold to limit the size of file that can use the FASP protocol. File sizes that are less than the threshold will be processed as FASP=NO.


    Specifies the number of zFBA devices to allocate to the Process. The only acceptable value is 2 and this ZFBA feature requires additional configuration settings in the NETMAP and initialization parameters. Consult the Connect:Direct Administration Guide for Using zFBA for File Transfer.

    CHECKPOINT (optional) Specifies the byte interval for checkpoint support, which enables restart of interrupted transmissions at the last valid transmission point, avoiding the need to restart transmission from the beginning.

    K denotes thousands; M denotes millions. A checkpoint value of zero stops automatic checkpointing.

    COMPRESS (optional) Specifies whether and how the data being transmitted should be compressed.

    Y – Uses compression with X'40' (blank) as the PRIMEchar.

    N – Does not use compression.

    X – Uses Extended compression.

    X'xx' – Uses compression with the specified ‘xx' hex vale.

    C'c' – Uses compression with the specified ‘cc' character value.

    Note: Compression is CPU-intensive, and its effectiveness is data dependent. It should only be used if its benefits are known.
    Note: The effects of changing the default values for the extended compression parameters (level, window, and memory) are not always predictable and can significantly increase CPU utilization. Before changing the default values, see Improving Performance in the IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS® Administration Guide.

    (optional) Specifies the value from 1–9 indicating the degree of compression to use. The default is 1, which usually provides sufficient compression.

    WINDOW (optional) Specifies the value from 8–15 indicating the size of the compression buffer to use. The default of 13 equals 32 KB.
    MEMORY (optional) Specifies the value from 1–9 indicating the amount of memory used to maintain the compression state. The default of 4 equals 8 KB.
    OVERRIDE SECURITY Enables you to change security information for the sending and receiving nodes.

    YES = Enable

    NO = Disable

    CASE SENSITIVITY (optional) Specifies the case sensitivity not only to the SUBMIT command, but to the COPY Process itself. IBM Connect:Direct provides for mixed case user input because some platforms allow it. The default is NO, which does not allow mixed case.
  4. To override security information, type Y in the OVERRIDE SECURITY field.              Connect:Direct SECURITY OVERRIDE            TIME: hh:mm
     CMD ==>
      SECURITY ID: ________________________________________________________________
      PASSWORD   :
      ACCOUNTING DATA: ____________________________________________________
      SECURITY ID: ________________________________________________________________
      PASSWORD   :
      ACCOUNTING DATA: ____________________________________________________
  5. In the SECURITY OVERRIDE screen:
    1. Specify the security information for the node whose security you want to override and press Enter. This procedure assumes that you modify security information for both nodes.
    2. Press PF1 for a description of each field.
      Note: For a complete description of the valid parameters of a COPY Statement and examples to help you fill in both the SENDING FILE and RECEIVING FILE screens, see the Connect:Direct Process Language help.
  6. When the SENDING FILE screen for the environment and node name you specified is displayed, type appropriate values and press Enter.
    Note: If the data set name does not follow z/OS naming conventions, enclose the data set in single quotation marks. An HFS file must begin with a slash (/) and can contain up to 251 bytes.          COPYFILE - SENDING FILE (z/OS or OS/390)        TIME: hh:mm
     CMD ==>
     SENDING DSNAME:    ____________________________________________________________
     UNIT PARAMETER:  ( ________________________________ )
     LABEL PARAMETER: ( ________________________________ )
     VOLUME SERIAL(S):( _______________________________________________________ )
               RETAIN: _ (Y OR N)
     DCB PARAMETER:   ( ________________________________________________________ )
     TYPE KEY:          ________         MSVGP NAME:  ________
     SYSOPTS:  _____________________________________________________________________
     (PDS ONLY:)           REPLACE: Y (Y OR N)   ALIAS: Y (Y OR N)
     SELECTION CRITERIA: ( __________________________________________ )
                         ( __________________________________________ )
     EXCLUSION CRITERIA: ( __________________________________________ )
                         ( __________________________________________ )
  7. When the RECEIVING FILE screen for the environment and node name you specified is displayed, type appropriate values and press Enter.
    Note: If the data set name does not follow z/OS naming conventions, enclose the data set in single quotation marks. An HFS file must begin with a slash (/) and can contain up to 251 bytes.          COPYFILE - RECEIVING FILE (z/OS or OS/390)      TIME: hh:mm
      CMD ==>
      NODE NAME: Q1A.ZOS.V6100
      RECEIVING DSNAME:  ____________________________________________________________
      DISPOSITION:     ( NEW , CATLG_ , ______ )
      UNIT PARAMETER:  ( ________________________________ )
      VOLUME SERIAL(S):( _______________________________________________________ )  )
             RETAIN: _ (Y OR N)   COUNT: ___ (1-255)
      DCB PARAMETER:   ( __________________________________________________________ )
      LABEL PARAMETER: ( ____________________________________________ )
      SPACE:           ( ________________________________ )
      TYPE KEY:          ________    MSVGP NAME:  ________
      SYSOPTS:  _____________________________________________________________________
      SMS: DATA CLASS: ________  STORAGE CLASS: ________  MGMT CLASS: _________
           AVERAGE RECS: _ DSNTYPE: _______ VERSION: _ MAXGENS: __________ EATTR: ___
           VSAM ORGANIZATION: ____ KEY LENGTH: ___   KEY OFFSET: _____
           LIKE DSNAME:    ____________________________________________
           SECURITY MODEL: ____________________________________________
           GENERIC MODEL:  ___  (YES OR NO)
  8. Press Enter.
    • If you enabled the Validate Only parameter, a VIEW PROCESS screen with your Process is displayed. See the table in Operation for information on the results.
    • If you did not select the Validate Only option, the Process is executed. See the table in Validating Processes from the SB, DF, and CF IUI Options for information on the results.
    Press PF3 to back out of each screen until the Primary Options Menu is displayed. Since SUBMIT MULTI MODE is disabled, the following message displays when the user attempts re-submitting a process with the same information.
    Process not re-submitted
    You have already submitted a process with the same information!
    If you have not seen the completion message yet, then you can 
    check on the progress of the copy using option SP from the main
    Connect:Direct menu. However, if you want to resubmit the 
    process change the SUBMIT MULTI MODE TO Y.

    To resubmit the process, modify a attribute and try submitting the process again. Alternatively, go back to the Copy File Menu and change the SUBMIT MULTI MODE to Y.