Providing Dumps to Customer Support
A IBM® Connect:Direct® ABEND can occur when a system failure or system error exists or when the FORCE parameter is used with the STOP CD command.
When an ABEND is reported, Support searches the problem tracking database for any similar problems. Often the ABEND is a known bug or a common error, and a solution is readily available. Otherwise, provide a full SVC dump for diagnosing ABENDs.
If support cannot locate a reference to the ABEND, you may be required to provide the following information:
- Send a complete SVC dump, not a snap dump.
- A copy of the Process and the statistics for that Process. If the Process has symbolics, include the symbolic substitution data. Also, ensure that the statistics records include WTO records.
If the ABEND occurred while executing a Process that has executed successfully, determine what changes were made, either in the operating system or within IBM Connect:Direct, and do the following:
- Send console logs for both IBM Connect:Direct nodes.
- Note whether the ABEND caused either IBM Connect:Direct node to terminate.
- If the ABEND can be recreated, provide details.
- Send a copy of the system log and network error log for both operating systems, which can indicate any unusual situations occurring with the operating system or network at the time of the ABEND.
- Send RPLERRCK DD output to review I/O errors and other information. See DD Statements in Startup JCL for more information.
- Send ESTAE DD output to review ABEND conditions and some special I/O errors. See DD Statements in Startup JCL for more information.
If several ABENDs occur simultaneously, send the dump from the first ABEND only. Subsequent ABENDs are usually a result of the original ABEND.
When sending a dump on tape, send the JCL that created the tape. DSN, VOLSER, LABEL, and DCB attributes are needed to facilitate tape unloading. If available, send a printout of the tape management product display of the VOLSER.
Types of Dumps
To determine and resolve problems, Customer Support may request any of the following types of dumps:
- IBM Connect:Direct Data Transmission Facility (DTF) Dumps, which include SYSMDUMP and CDSVCDMP dumps
- IBM Connect:Direct IUI ABEND Dumps, which include z/OS Time Sharing Option (TSO) address space dumps
- DGADBATC Batch Dumps
- VSAM File Dumps