Verifying System Requirements

Before you begin the deployment process, verify that your system meets the hardware and software requirements specified for this release.

The Certified Container Software for IBM Connect:Direct® for UNIX has been verified on Red Hat Linux and requires the following minimum hardware and software resources:

Hardware Requirements
  • 1 GB Disk space
  • 500m CPU core
  • 2 GB RAM
  • 100 MB for Persistent Volume
  • 3-5 GB of ephemeral storage
  • 100 MB is minimum requirement for fresh deployment.
  • For upgrade, make sure you have sufficient space on persistent volume so that backup of application data could reside on persistent volume.
  • For Production, double all of the above requirements and make Persistent Volume size at least 1 GB.

Software Requirements

For Kubernetes cluster:
For Red Hat OpenShift cluster:
Other common requirements:
  • docker/podman to manage container images
  • If NFS is used as backed-storage for Persistent Volume, ensure version >=4.1
Note: For helm 3.2.1 and greater, no Tiller (server) is required.

A certified container deployment strictly enforces the above system requirements. If any of the requirements are not met, the deployment may fail. If the deployment fails, then review the deployment log for a list of non-compliant items.