Enables you to control the use of the sessions initiated by the local node. When you select a Process for execution between two nodes, control of the session is negotiated. If only one DTF has work destined for the other DTF, then the DTF with work to process controls the session. If they both have work to process, then the one with the higher priority work controls the session. This negotiation takes place at the completion of each Process. It is possible for the local DTF to initiate a session and be significantly delayed in utilizing that session based on the workload of the partner DTF.

Value Description
YES The previously allowed negotiation takes place as described.
NO The remote DTF is not allowed to utilize the sessions established by the local DTF. (IBM Connect:Direct does not allow Processes that are waiting for an eligible session to run when an SNODE session becomes available.)

Modifiable through MODIFY INITPARMS command: YES