Miscellaneous Parameters

The miscellaneous parameters determine the server path, default Process priority, event log values, and various restricted directories.

The following table lists the miscellaneous commands parameters:

Parameter Name Description Valid Values Restart Required
certificate.directory Default certificate directory for Connect:Direct® Secure Plus commands issued from the Connect:Direct client API. If the directory is not configured, the default directory created during installation is used. Directory path name No
s+cmd.enforce.secure.connection Determines if Connect:Direct Secure Plus commands are accepted from the Connect:Direct client API on unsecure connections.

y | n

y=default. Commands from unsecure connections are not accepted.

n=commands from unsecure connections are accepted



Fully-qualified path to all Connect:Direct files. Terminate the path name with a trailing backslash (\).

You cannot change the value of this parameter. If you want to change the local node name, you must reinstall IBM Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows.

Valid, fully-qualified path name.

Note: The value cannot be changed.


The default Connect:Direct Process priority information to assign any time a Process is submitted without the selection priority parameter (selprty) on the Process statement.

A numeric value from 1 to 15, where 15 is the highest priority.

The default is 10.



The priority of the Process. The execution priority parameter is used to influence the Microsoft Windows operating system priority given to the Session Manager when it begins execution of this Process. A Process with a higher priority is assigned a higher operating system priority and receives more system resources.

Note: Scheduling Processes with a high execution priority value can affect the execution of other applications on the system.

A numeric value from 1 to 15, where 15 is the highest priority.

The default is 7.

These values are mapped to Microsoft Windows Process priority classes and values.



The default directory to copy the destination file to if a copy statement does not specify a fully-qualified path.

Valid, fully-qualified path name. The default is X:\installation directory\DOWNLOAD



The default directory that source files are copied from if a copy statement does not specify a fully-qualified path.

Valid, fully-qualified path name. The default is X:\installation directory\UPLOAD



The default working directory for a program started using a run task or run job statement when a fully-qualified path is not specified.

Valid, fully-qualified path name. The default is X:\installation directory\PROGRAM



Restricts the use of operating system commands in run task or run job statements by preventing the use of the CMD syntax in those statements. In addition, it prevents the use of the special characters: “&”, “|”, and “>”.

To enable running of cmd tasks and the use of special characters, specify N.

Only use restrict.cmd=Y when the controlling group or user functional authority record includes a directory restriction.

Y | N

The default is N.



Specifies whether a security exit is implemented as a user exit during Process execution. See the IBM® Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows SDK Programmer Guide for details as presented in the sample user exit program userexit_samp.c.

Valid, fully-qualified path name to a user-defined DLL. The default is <NONE>.



The level of Process notification based on the Process step return code. If you want notification to occur regardless of the return code, specify a value of A.

Specify a value of W for a warning-level return code greater than 0. Specify a value of E for an error-level return code greater than 4.

A | W | E

The default is A.



The name of a user-written dynamic link library (DLL) file. The DLL file opens a source or destination file during processing of the COPY statement and overrides the values specified in the COPY statement. If the DLL file is not in the search path, a fully qualified path name must be specified.

Valid, fully-qualified path name to a user-defined DLL. The default is <NONE>. No


The statistics IDs the system sends to the Microsoft Windows event log. Either specify a list of statistics IDs or select All to log all IDs to the event log. Use a comma to separate IDs in a list.

Refer to View Process Statistics for a list of statistics IDs.

statistics ID | All | (list)

The default is All.



Determines whether the Connect:Direct server returns the password in a proxy definition to a Connect:Direct client.

N | Y

N=default. The server returns a dummy password. This is the most secure setting.

Y=the server returns the real local password again.

This initialization parameter is security-related. It is highly recommended to only set disable.proxy.password.security=Y during the time while duplicating the proxy and return to disable.proxy.password.security=N afterward.


This is the Password Exit DLL File to enable the Password Exit feature. If the value is blank, the feature is disabled.
  • none (default)
  • valid fully qualified DLL file


This is a SHA256 hash of the Password Exit DLL file. Before Connect:Direct Windows loads the your Password Exit DLL file, it will compute the SHA256 hash for the file. If the computed hash matches the configure Password Exit DLL Hash, then Connect:Direct Windows will load the dll and use it to obtain user passwords.
Note: This parameter is mandatory when password.exit.dll is enabled.
  • none (default)
  • valid SHA256 hash


It is sent to the Password Exit as a parameter.
  • none (default)
  • valid string


It is sent to the Password Exit as a parameter.
  • none (default)
  • valid string
password.exit.url It is sent to the Password Exit as a parameter.
  • none (default)
  • valid string