This parameter specifies whether Connect:Direct® FTP+ will place System SSL in to FIPS mode. It is a global, non-refreshable initialization parameter that applies to the TLS protocol. If FIPS=YES, this parameter is effective only if the following have been met:
  • System SSL requirements to enable and run in FIPS mode have been met. For more information on meeting the System SSL requirements for FIPS mode, see the System SSL Programming Guide.
  • Connect:Direct Secure Plus has been enabled by specifying the SECURE.DSN initialization parameter.

Once FIPS mode is requested and successfully set, Connect:Direct FTP+ will not attempt to switch to non-FIPS mode. To switch to non-FIPS mode, update the FIPS initialization parameter to FIPS=NO and restart Connect:Direct FTP+. If Connect:Direct FTP+ is in FIPS mode, any attempt to use the SSL protocol will result in a failure.

Modifiable through MODIFY INITPARMS command: NO