Calculating Minimum Value of NCP TRANSFR
To calculate the minimum value of an NCP TRANSFR, define each NCP-to-NCP connection to accommodate the maximum RU size defined for a IBM® Connect:Direct® DTF-to-DTF session. This value is controlled by the NCP TRANSFR parameter of each NCP LINE macro defining an NCP-to-NCP link. The following is a summary of the calculations required to determine the NCP TRANSFR value:
- Determine the maximum amount of data to be received on this line definition. For IBM Connect:Direct, this amount is the RU size plus 29 bytes for the request/response headers.
- Add 24 bytes to this value for required NCP overhead (BFRPAD).
- Divide the sum by the NCP buffer size (BFRS).
- Round the result to the next highest integer. This integer is the minimum value that you can specify for TRANSFR that corresponds to the specified RU size.