Running the TEM tasks

After the CTTU creates the TEM tasks, use the TEM console to run the TEM tasks. These tasks can install, upgrade, apply a fix pack, or uninstall Connect:Direct®, or start the Connect:Direct service on systems that contain the TEM client.

Use the following procedure to run the TEM tasks:
  1. Start the TEM console.
  2. Click the All Content domain button that is located beneath the Domain Panel.
  3. Select Fixlets and Tasks in the Domain Panel.
    The List Panel displays a list of relevant fixlets and tasks. This is where tasks created by the CTTU appear.
    Attention: Tasks that are created by the CTTU are added to the Master Action Site.
    Attention: If you do not select Show Non-Relevant Content, the tasks that are created by the CTTU do not appear in the list until they are determined relevant for one or more of the computers that are managed by TEM. There might be a delay before tasks are determined relevant for all systems.
    Attention: You might see multiple tasks that are created with the same name. You can add the ID column to the display and sort the tasks by ID to find specific tasks.
  4. Select a specific task.
    A Task window displays.
    Attention: The task that is displayed in the Task window depends on the selected task. In the following figure, the user selected the TEM task to perform Connect:Direct for UNIX installations.
  5. On the Description tab, enter the appropriate values for your task. For example, to install Connect:Direct for UNIX, enter the following values:
    • Installation Directory: the directory where you want to install Connect:Direct
    • Name to Assign to the Local Connect:Direct: The name can include up to 16 characters. If you specify uname, the host name of the server where Connect:Direct is installed is used for the name.
    • Address Local Connect:Direct Listens on for Connections: Select one of the following options to determine the address the local Connect:Direct listens on:
      • Hostname for system
      • Fully qualified domain name for system
      • IPv4 address for system
      • IPv6 address for system
      • Specify IP address for system
    • Connect:Direct to Connect:Direct Port: port that is used for Connect:Direct to Connect:Direct communications.
    • CLI/API Port: port that is used for client connections.
    • System User ID to be the Connect:Direct Admin ID: the system User ID that is used for the Connect:Direct administration ID.
    • Passphrase for Key Certificate File:
  6. Click here to deploy the task.
    The Take Action window displays.

    Initially, the Take Action window displays all relevant computers. In the previous figure, the task makes all UNIX and Linux computers with a compatible TEM client relevant.

  7. Select the computers for this task.
    Attention: If the task is a UNIX installation, you must select the computers from the list that are compatible with the CPIO file associated with the task. The task relevance ensures only that UNIX and Linux servers are relevant. It does not ensure that only systems appropriate for the CPIO file to be deployed are relevant.
  8. You can select any other execution options in other tabs, such as when to schedule the action on the Execution tab.
  9. Click OK to initiate the task.