Install Connect:Direct Requester Only (Stand Alone)

Computers other than the one on which IBM Connect:Direct is installed may require that Connect:Direct Requester be installed.

If you installed IBM Connect:Direct in a clustered environment, you cannot use Requester unless it is installed separately, as Stand-Alone or on a separate machine from IBM Connect:Direct. If you are installing in a clustered environment, you must deselect the Requester feature and use these instructions to install it separately.

To install Connect:Direct Requester (stand alone):

  1. If you downloaded the software from IBM Passport Advantage, double-click the CDRequester\cdw_install.exe file from the download folder.
    Note: For information on the how to download software using Passport Advantage see,
  2. If the Autorun option is enabled for the CD drive, the installation automatically starts. If the Autorun option is disabled, start the installation from the Microsoft Windows Run dialog.
  3. On the Welcome dialog, click Next.
  4. Click Next.
  5. On the Setup Type dialog, select Typical and click Next.
  6. Click Install.