Adjacent Node Entry

Adjacent node entries specify network nodes that the local IBM® Connect:Direct® can communicate with. Each entry specifies a locally used IBM Connect:Direct name, its associated network communications name, and session control parameters for these nodes. The syntax in the following figure is for a typical adjacent node entry.

ADJACENT.NODE=(                                                    -
     (nodename,                                                    -
      communications name | channel-range-start-addr,              -
      remote library name | IP address or Alias | addr-count,      -
      session type,                                                -
      security node type,                                          -
      data direction restriction)                                  -
     PARSESS=(max,default)                                         -
     ZFBA = (addr1 , addrn) 																		- 
     COMPRESS.EXT=ALLOW | DISALLOW | FORCE                         -
     COMPRESS.STD=ALLOW | DISALLOW | FORCE                         -
     COMPRESS.STD.PRIMECHAR=C'x'| X'xx'                            -
     SOURCEIP=IP address                                           -
     FASP.BANDWIDTH=nnn | nM,  nG
     SESS.SNODE.MAX = 255                                          -
     LDNS=hostname                                                 -
     ENVIRONMENT=operating environment                             -
     LOGMODE=logmode entry name                                    -
     APPLIDS=(vtam applid1 [,vtam applid2,...] )                   -
     BATCHAPPLIDS=(batch.applid1 [,batch.applid2,...] )            -
     TSO.APPLIDS=(tso.applid1 [,tso.applid2,...] )                 -
     INTERACTIVE.APPLIDS=(interactive.applid1 [,interactive.applid2,...] ) -
     CICS.APPLIDS=(cics.applid1 [,cics.applid2,...] )              -
     NETID=networkid | CTCA server name                            -
     PNODE.LUS=(luname1 [,luname2,...] )                           -
     SNODE.LUS=(luname1 [,luname2,...] )                           -
     PNODE.LAST.USED=(02.10.2020,09:44:20)                         -
     SNODE.LAST.USED=(03.17.2020,16:17:52)                         -
     USE.SERVER.NODE = NO | YES                                    -
     TCPAPI= (port number, IP address)                             -
     CRC= (OFF | ON | DEFAULT)                                     -
     PLEXCLASS= (* | plexclass, * | plexclass)                     -
     BUFFER.SIZE= 3072–2097152|3K-2M                               -
     ALTernate.COMMinfo = (ALTernate.RESTART=YES | NO,                  -
              ALTernate.DIRection=BALANCE | TOP,                        -
             (ALTernate.ADDRess= | ALTernate.NODEDEF=, ALTernate.PORT=, -
              SOURCEIP=IP address,                                      -
              ALTernate.TYPE=SNA | TCP | LU62                   -
              ALTernate.LOGmode=logmode entry name,                     -
              ALTernate.USE.OUTbound=YES | NO)                          -
              )                                                         -
     CDFTP.PLUGIN="name or location of the plugin"                   -
     CDFTP.TEMPFILE"fully qualified file path and name"              -
     CONTACT.NAME=”name”                                             -
     CONTACT.PHONE=”phone information”                               -
     DESCRIPTION=”description information”)

In an environment when one IBM Connect:Direct system (either a IBM Connect:Direct/Plex environment or IBM Connect:Direct/Stand-alone Server) communicates with a IBM Connect:Direct/Plex environment, add the following statement to each ADJACENT.NODE entry that defines the other IBM Connect:Direct/Manager.

Note: When a Connect:Direct for z/OS® system communicates with another IBM Connect:Direct system in a IBM Connect:Direct/Plex environment and ENVIRONMENT=ZOS|OS390 is not specified, Process redirection does not function correctly.

See TCP/IP Addressing for network map entry requirements for TCP/IP nodes.

See Channel-to-Channel Support for a discussion of channel-to-channel support.