Setting Up Connect:Direct
for z/OS® Tape
Mount Messages
Issue the IBM® Connect:Direct® tape
mount messages in place of the z/OS mount message. The IBM Connect:Direct mount
messages consist of a z/OS-format mount message followed by a WTOR
issued to the descriptor and route codes specified by the DESC.TAPE
You can suppress the IBM Connect:Direct message
by specifying ROUTCDE.TAPE=(0) in the initialization parameters. The
defaults are DESC.TAPE=(2) ROUTCDE.TAPE=(5,11). If you suppress IBM Connect:Direct tape
mount messages, the standard z/OS mount messages are issued with related
serialization during mount processing.
If you specify ROUTCDE.TAPE=(0), causing IBM Connect:Direct not
to issue the mount messages, then the normal z/OS mount message is
issued when the dataset is opened. The z/OS mount processing holds
an ENQ on the SYSZTIOT resource. This ENQ causes all other IBM Connect:Direct Processes
to hang at allocation, open, and deallocation until the tape is mounted.
If you use the IBM Connect:Direct tape
mount message, the tape already is on the tape drive at open time
and z/OS mount processing does not hold the SYSZTIOT resource.