Displaying the Last Message

Use the LAST MESSAGE screen to recall and view the contents of the last message received during your Connect:Direct® for z/OS® CICS® activities, the software module producing the message, some details of system action, and suggested response on your part.

To access the LAST MESSAGE screen you have the following two options:
  • Type M and press ENTER in the CMD field of the SELECT STATISTICS -- SUMMARY TABLE screen. (The M command is completed as part of CICS transaction processing and does not require access to the IBM® Connect:Direct DTF API.)
  • Press PF2 from any screen that defines PF2, except from the PRIMARY MENU where PF2 is not displayed. The last message may have nothing to do with the current screen activities, when you press PF2.

    Following is an example of the LAST MESSAGE screen.

                                    LAST MESSAGE                            06:15:43
        MESSAGE ID  ==> SAFA000I   
         MODULE ID  ==> DMSGNON
     SHORT TEXT==> Connect:Direct signon process completed.
      LONG TEXT==> Connect:Direct signon processing completed. The user
              ==> record was found on the Authorization Data Set. The user
              ==> supplied password was valid.
              ==> SYSTEM ACTION: Return to invoker with RC=0.
              ==> RESPONSE: NONE.
     PF keys:   3 Exit   4 Menu   

    The following table describes the system fields for the LAST MESSAGE screen:

Field Description
HEADER This 41-character field contains the system-generated message identification information and occurs right below the screen title. The HEADER field works in conjunction with the SELECT STATISTICS - SUMMARY TABLE screen and displays the current screen upon the selection of the line command M in the CMD field.
MESSAGE ID This 8-character field contains the message identification number.
MODULE ID This 64-character field contains the name of the software module issuing the message.
SHORT TEXT This 64-character field contains the short version of the message as it is displayed when sent.
LONG TEXT This field of 12 lines of 64 characters contains the long version of the message, with further descriptions of system action and suggested responses.