Generating a Copy File from Connect:Direct for CICS

In the following procedure, you can skip Step 4 which involves the Security Override screen, if you do not enter Y in the OVERRIDE SECURITY field on the second Copy File Between Nodes screen.

To obtain Help on the field content of any screen, press the PF1 key.

  1. To access the COPY FILE BETWEEN NODES first screen, select option CF on the PRIMARY MENU and press ENTER.
                               COPY FILE BETWEEN NODES                  15:34:14
                        NODE NAME              DESCRIPTION  
                   01   MSDOS.NODE         -   MS-DOS NODE
                   02   MVS.NODE           -   MVS NODE
                   03   NETWARE.NODE       -   NETWARE NODE
                   04   OS2.NODE           -   OS/2 NODE
                   05   OS400.NODE         -   OS/400 NODE
                   06   VSE.NODE           -   VSE DTF
                   07   TANDEM.NODE        -   TANDEM NODE
                   08   UNIX.NODE          -   UNIX NODE
                   09   VM.NODE            -   VM NODE  
                   10   VMS.NODE           -   VMS NODE 
                   11   OS390.NODE1        -   Z/OS NODE 
                   12   OS390.NODE2        -   Z/OS NODE 
    SENDING NODE NUMBER  => __   or NODE NAME=> ________________   ENV=> ________
    RECEIVING NODE NUMBER=> __   or NODE NAME=> ________________   ENV=> ________
    PF   keys:  1 Help   2 Msg   3 Exit   4 Menu   6 Id   7 Bwd   8 Fwd

    The top half of the COPY FILE screen presents a scrollable list of all the IBM® Connect:Direct® nodes that can participate in a COPY FILE Process (as defined in the CONFIGURATION file by the administrator). The list consists of a symbolic node name, a descriptive node name, and a node selection number.

  2. Specify the copy file sending and receiving nodes by selecting the corresponding node selection numbers. If you do not see the node that you need, press PF8 to scroll the data forward in the list and press PF7 to scroll the data backward.

    When specifying a sending or a receiving node, you have two options:

    • You can use the number from the scrollable list
    • You can use the node name and the environment
    Note: If you do not provide this information, the default is the node that you are currently signed on to.

    The ENV fields are updated automatically when you type the node number or node name from the scrollable list, but you must fill in the ENV field manually if the node name is not in the list.

    The current node (as determined from the Network Map) is highlighted in the list and you must select it as the sending or receiving default node. You can save the node choice numbers and display them again the next time you enter this screen.

    If the COPYFILE node is not listed, you must type both the copy node names and environment types.

    The nodes in the scrollable list must be added using the DGAA transaction.

    The following table defines each entry field on the Copy File Between Nodes panel.

    Entry Field Description
    SENDING NODE NUMBER This 2-character field contains the sending node number. In the scrollable field to the left of the node name field are listed the associated node numbers. If you specify neither, the sending node defaults to the node you are signed on to. When you identify the sending node and press ENTER, the environment field is filled with the appropriate sending node.
    NODE NAME This 16-character field contains the sending node name.
    ENV This 8-character field contains the sending environment. If you do not select from the list, you must specify the environment. Valid sending environments for Connect:Direct for CICS® are OS/390®, VSE, VM, VMS, Tandem, OS/400®, UNIX, and Windows (for Windows NT).
    RECEIVING NODE NUMBER This 2-character field contains the receiving node number. In the scrollable table to the left of the node name field the associated node numbers are listed. If you specify neither, the receiving node defaults to the node that you are signed on to. When you identify the receiving node and press ENTER, the environment field is filled with the appropriate receiving node.
    NODE NAME This 16-character field contains the receiving node name.
    ENV This 8-character field names the receiving environment. Valid receiving environments for Connect:Direct for CICS are OS/390, VSE, VM, VMS, Tandem, OS/400, UNIX, and Windows (for Windows NT).

    After the successful submission of the COPY FILE Process, this first screen in the panel series is redisplayed and a PROCESS NUMBER message is displayed. The PROCESS NUMBER message contains the number assigned to your Process by IBM Connect:Direct.

  3. After you provide the sending and receiving node names, press ENTER.
                               COPY FILE BETWEEN NODES                  15:36:47
     SENDING NODE NAME  => OS390.NODE1    ENV=> OS390    
     CLASS           =>  ___      (NUMERIC)  
     HOLD            =>  N        (Y, N, or C-Call) 
     PRIORITY        =>  __       (RANGE: 0 to 15)
     REQUEUE         =>  N        (Y or N) 
     RETAIN on TCQ   =>  N        (Y, N, OR I-Initial) 
     START DATE      =>  ________         START TIME=> __________ (HH:MM:SSXM)
     CHECKPOINT      =>  ______   (BYTE INTERVAL - nK|nM)
     PLEXCLASS       =>  ________  ________  (PNODE SNODE)
     COMPRESS        =>  N____     (Y, N, E-Extended, X'xx', or C'c') 
     OVERRIDE SECURITY=>  N       (Y or N)      
     Do you want values for this copy to be CASE sensitive? ==>  NO
     PF keys:  1 Help   2 Msg   3 Exit   4 Menu   6 Id

    On the second COPY FILE BETWEEN NODES screen you can specify the parameters of the copy. The following table describes the system fields for this screen which contain information specified on the first COPY FILE BETWEEN NODES screen.

    System Fields Description
    SENDING NODE NAME This dual field contains the sending node name and environment that you provided in the previous screen.
    RECEIVING NODE NAME This dual field contains the receiving node name and environment that you provided in the previous screen.
    The following table describes each of the parameters you can specify for the copy.
    Parameter Description
    NEW PROCESS NAME This 8-character field contains your selection for a new unique Process name to be assigned to the COPY operation.
    HOLD This 1-character field contains the Y, N, or C toggle for a Process to be kept in the HOLD queue. This field is optional. Y (yes) holds the Process until it is deleted or released N (no) does not hold the Process (default) C (call) holds the Process in the Wait queue until the secondary node requests work. If the Process consumes computer resources during periods of heavy system use, you can place the Process temporarily in the Hold queue, and release it during a time of infrequent use.
    PRIORITY This 2-character field contains the priority number for Process execution. This field is optional. Valid priority numbers range from 0-15 (highest).
    REQUEUE This optional field specifies whether a copy step requeues if the Process terminates abnormally.
    RETAIN on TCQ This 1-character field contains the Y, N, or I toggle to keep a copy of a Process in a queue after execution. Filling this field is optional. Y (yes) keeps the Process in the queue after execution N (no) deletes the Process after execution I (initialize) schedules the Process for execution every time IBM Connect:Direct is initialized
    START DATE This field contains the starting date for the copy operation expressed as month, day, and year. If you leave this field blank, the Process takes place on the current date. Fill in this field if you want to start the Process at some future time.
    START TIME This 10-character field contains the starting time for the copy operation expressed as hours, minutes, and seconds, AM or PM (HH:MM:SSXM). The default is a 24-hour clock. If a 12-hour clock is used, the AM or PM is required.

    The starting time works in conjunction with the starting date, but the field is optional. If you do not specify a time and the date is the current day, the Process begins immediately.

    If the date is set for a future date and the START TIME is not specified, the Process begins at 12:00 AM. The START TIME field is optional. Use this field if you want to start the Process at some future time.

    CHECKPOINT The CHECKPOINT field specifies the byte interval for checkpoint support, which enables restart of interrupted transmissions at the last valid transmission point. This feature avoids the need to restart transmission from the beginning. K denotes thousands; M denotes millions. A checkpoint value of zero stops automatic checkpointing.
    PLEXCLASS The PLEXCLASS field specifies the class that directs the Process to only certain servers in a IBM Connect:Direct/Plex. Only use this parameter in a IBM Connect:Direct/Plex. Each server in a IBM Connect:Direct/Plex can be designated to support only certain PLEXCLASSes through the CDPLEX.PLEXCLASSES initialization parameter. Processes can then be limited to only those servers by specifying the PLEXCLASS in the Process definition. The PNODE class controls which IBM Connect:Direct/Server runs the Process. The SNODE class controls what other node is used with the Process. The PNODE class and SNODE class are each 1–8 characters long. Use an asterisk (*) to indicate that the Process can run on any server with an asterisk designated in the CDPLEX.PLEXCLASSES initialization parameter. If no PLEXCLASS is specified, the Process runs on any IBM Connect:Direct/Server that supports PLEXCLASS. If a Process must run on a specific IBM Connect:Direct/Server, specify the IBM Connect:Direct/Server name in this field. The Process runs only on that server.
    COMPRESS The COMPRESS field specifies that IBM Connect:Direct is to compress the data. This feature reduces the amount of data transmitted as the file copies from one node to another. IBM Connect:Direct automatically decompresses the file at its destination. The default subparameter for the COMPRESS parameter is PRIMEchar=X'40'.
    OVERRIDE SECURITY If you want to type security information such as userid and password, type a Y at the OVERRIDE SECURITY prompt. IBM Connect:Direct displays the SECURITY OVERRIDE screen. (See the next step.)
    CASE Sensitive Following this question, indicate whether you want to allow mixed case input. This option is available as a session default, and you can specify the option during signon. You can override the specified default on commands that apply to userid, password, and data set name. When you submit commands with YES specified, IBM Connect:Direct includes the CASE=YES parameter with your command.

    CICS only interprets mixed case data if your terminal is defined to accept it. The CICS RDO or CEDA definition must be defined with UCTRAN=NO for mixed case data to be input to IBM Connect:Direct from a CICS terminal.

  4. If you typed Y in the Override Security prompt on the COPY FILE BETWEEN NODES screen, IBM Connect:Direct the optional SECURITY OVERRIDE screen is displayed.
                               COPY FILE BETWEEN NODES                  17:28:36
                                  SECURITY OVERRIDE      
    SENDING NODE NAME   => OS390.NODE1        ENV => OS390
    SECURITY ID: ________________________________________________________________
    PASSWORD   :                                                                 
    NEW PASSWORD:                                                                  
    ACCT DATA  : ________________________________________________________________
    RECEIVING NODE NAME => OS390.NODE2       ENV => OS390
    SECURITY ID: ________________________________________________________________
    PASSWORD   :                                                                 
    NEW PASSWORD:                                                                
    ACCT DATA  : ________________________________________________________________
     PF keys:  1 Help   2 Msg   3 Exit   4 Menu   6 Id
    The screen contains the same entry fields for both the sending and receiving nodes. The following table describes each entry field.
    Entry Field Description
    SECURITY USERID This optional field specifies the 1-64 character security ID that passes to a security exit.
    PASSWORD This optional field specifies the 1-64 character current security password to pass to a security exit.
    NEW PASSWORD This optional field specifies the new 1-64 character security password to be passed to a security exit. The exit can change the current password to this value.
    ACCT DATA This optional field specifies accounting data to be passed to the security exit.
  5. The values selected in the Sending and Receiving Node Name and Environment fields on the first screen determine which Sending and Receiving screens display to complete your COPY statement.
    The following example shows the Sending File screen for z/OS®. (The valid Environment values for sending COPY files are: OS/390, OS/400, WIN95, VM, VMS, VOS, VSE, TANDEM, and UNIX.)
                         COPYFILE - SENDING FILE (OS/390)             17:28:36
    SENDING NODE:   ...=>  OS390.NODE1
    SENDING DSNAME     =>  ___________________________________________
    UNIT               => (________________________________)
    VOLUME             => (___________________________________________________)
    SYSOPTS            =>  “ _________________________________________________
    SELECTION CRITERIA => ______________________________________
                       => ______________________________________
                       => ______________________________________
                       => ______________________________________
    REPLACE            => N (Y OR N)
    PF keys:  1 Help   2 Msg   3 Exit   4 Menu   6 Id
    Note: For a complete description of the valid parameters of a COPY Statement and examples, see IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS Process Language Reference Guide.
    1. Fill in the appropriate values for the SENDING FILE screen.
    2. When you finish typing the values on the SENDING FILE screen, press PF3 to proceed to the RECEIVING FILE screen.
  6. The values selected for the Receiving Node Name and Environment fields on the first screen determine which Receiving screen is displayed to complete your COPY statement.
    The following example shows the Receiving File screen for z/OS.
                         COPYFILE - RECEIVING FILE (OS/390)             17:28:36
    RECEIVING NODE      =>      OS390.NODE2
    RECEIVING DSNAME    =>   _______________________________________
    DISP     =>  ( NEW , CATLG )
    UNIT     =>  ( ________________________________ )
    VOLUME   =>  ( ___________________________________________________ )
    DCB      =>  ( _________________________________________________________ )
    LABEL    =>  ( ________________________________ )
    SPACE    =>  ( ________________________________ )
    TYPEKEY  =>    ________
    SYSOPTS   =>  “ _________________________________________________
    PF keys:  1 Help   2 Msg   3 Exit   4 Menu   6 Id
    1. Fill in the appropriate values for the RECEIVING FILE screen.
    2. When you finish typing the values on the RECEIVING FILE screen, press PF3 to process the copyfile request and exit.