Deleting a Remote Node Record

If you remove a remote node record from the network map in IBM® Connect:Direct®, you can also remove it from the Connect:Direct Secure Plus parameter file. This process deletes nodes from the Connect:Direct Secure Plus parameter file.

Note: If you have implemented the Strong Password Encryption feature, you cannot use the Delete node table line command to delete the.PASSWORD record. To determine if SPE is in effect, see Disabling Strong Password Encryption for instructions on how to access the SPE Parameters screen. You will see either the message, SPE not currently in use or SPE currently in use on that panel. If SPE is not in use, you can delete the .PASSWORD record; otherwise, follow the procedure to disable SPE, and then reinitialize IBM Connect:Direct. This initialization with SPE disabled will remove any SPE encryption that has been previously applied.

To delete a remote node record:

  1. Type D next to the node to delete and press Enter.

    The Connect:Direct Secure Plus Confirmation Prompt displays the message Are you sure you want to delete ‘selected node'?.

  2. Select OK and press Enter to delete the record.
  3. Save the Connect:Direct Secure Plus parameter file using the procedure in Saving Changes to Node Records Using the Save Active Option.