
Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent logs information to separate log files in its log subdirectory. The level of information that is written to the logs is configurable. In addition, Integrated File Agent writes entries in Connect:Direct's Statistics. Under normal circumstances, Connect:Direct Statistics will be sufficient to track File Agent operations; the log files will be needed only for troubleshooting.

The following logs are available:


Contains information, warnings and error messages generated by Sterling Connect:Direct File Agent. It provides information about the files found, the rule evaluation and what action was taken. This log file is enabled by default.


Contains all the above information plus debug messages. This file can grow very rapidly and is not enabled by default. To enable verbose logging, edit the log4j2.properties file and follow the instructions inside.


Contains only one line per file with Process submission information, including Process name and number, the detected file and the name of the Rule applied. This log file is enabled by default. Example:
2021-08-04 09:46:43,529 INFO  - Process Name: CDFA,  Process Number: 8,  File Name: C:\WatchDir\test_default.txt,  Rule Name: default
2021-08-04 09:57:03,211 INFO  - Process Name: CDFADEL,  Process Number: 23,  File Name: C:\ WatchDir\test_delete.txt,  Rule Name: Delete files

First Failing Snapshot (snap*.txt)

Contains additional diagnostics information when Sterling Connect:Direct File Agent detects a sever error, like a Java exception. Snapshot files are generated in a snaps sub directory, which is created when needed.

cdfastart.log, cdfastop.log, cdfamonitor.log, cdfapoll.log

Contain information about the Sterling Connect:Direct server starting, stopping and monitoring Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent.