Stop IBM Connect:Direct Statistics Record

The following table shows each field available in the Stop Statistics record. The DGAASTDC member of the $CD.SDGAMAP library contains the SAS maps of the statistics record.

Field Names Field Description
TDRECLN Length of this record.
TDRTYPE Record type–ST indicates the Stop IBM® Connect:Direct® Statistics record.
TDTIME Time that STOP IBM Connect:Direct command completed in hh/mm/ss/tt format.
TDDATE Date that STOP IBM Connect:Direct command completed in Julian date format (yyyydddf).
TDPROCNM Process name.
TDPROCNO Process number.
TDSTEP Step name or label.
TDUNODE User node of the submitter.
TDUID Userid of the submitter.
TDSTIME Time that STOP IBM Connect:Direct command was issued in hh/mm/ss/tt format.
TDSDATE Date that STOP IBM Connect:Direct command was issued in Julian date format (yyyydddf).
TDSCC Step completion code. Displays normal completion code.
TDSTOP IBM Connect:Direct shutdown types: W=Step shutdown; X=Immediate shutdown; Y=Quiescent shutdown; and Z=Forced shutdown by an abend.