Process Submit Statistics Record
The following table describes fields in the Process Submit Statistics record. The DGAAPPSR member of the $CD.SDGAMAP library contains the SAS maps of the statistics record.
Field Names | Field Description |
PSSRECLN | Length of this record. |
PSSRTYPE | Record type indicates specific data in statistics record: PS=SUBmit statement and SW=SUBmit command within a Process. |
PSSCTIME | Time that Process completed in hh/mm/ss/tt format. |
PSSCDATE | Date that Process completed in Julian date format (yyyydddf). |
PSSSTIME | Time that Process started in hh/mm/ss/tt format. |
PSSSDATE | Date that Process started in Julian date format (yyyydddf). |
PSSSCC | Step completion code. Displays normal completion code. |
PSSMSGID | Message ID. |
PSSPRCNM | Process name. |
PSSPRCNO | Process number. |
PSSSTEP | Step name or label. |
PSSUNODE | Submitter's symbolic node name. |
PSSUID | Userid of the submitter. |
PSSPNODE | Pnode name for this Process. |
PSSSNODE | Snode name for this Process. |
PSSNODE | This node is P(node) or S(node). |
PSSFROM | Direction of data: P(node) to Snode or S(node) to Pnode. |
PSSROSIZ | The number of bytes in the Process. |
PSSRMNID | Route message userid of Process. |
PSSFUNCD | The function code for the SUBMIT. |
PSSSYNTX | The syntax error in SUBmit command. |
PSSPARSE | The parse error in SUBmit command. |
PSSPACT# | Displacement to Pnode account data. |
PSSSACT# | Displacement to Snode account data. |
PSSDSN# | Displacement to data set name. |
PSSUBJOB | Submitter's jobname |
PSSUBJID | Submitter's jobid |