Description of an SAS Variable

The SAS Informat variables for these records are located in the $CD.SDGAMAP library. An example of an SAS Informat variable is @5 SASFIELD PK1. Variable descriptions for this example are listed in the following table.

Variable Description
@n Identifies the position of the variable in the IBM® Connect:Direct® statistics record (relative to 1). Always identified by an @.
SASFIELD Specifies the SAS name for the corresponding IBM Connect:Direct field name. The SAS name variable must follow the position variable (@n).
PK1 Specifies the type and length of the SAS Informat variable used in the maps. The type variable must follow the name variable (SASFIELD).

Type variable used in the maps are:

HEX—numeric hexadecimal IB—integer binary PD—packed decimal PIB—positive integer binary PK—packed unsigned $n—standard character $CHAR—characters with blanks $HEX—character hexadecimal $VARYING—variable-length values