Authorization Event Record
The following table shows each field available in the Authorization Event record. The DGAAAER member of the $CD.SDGAMAP library contains the SAS maps of the IBM® Connect:Direct® statistics record.
Field Names | Field Description |
AERECLN | Length of this record. |
AERTYPE | Record type indicates specific data in statistics record: IU=INSert; UU=UPDate USER; SU=SELect USER; and DU=DELete USER. |
AERTIME | Time that event was recorded in hh/mm/ss/tt format. |
AEDATE | Date that event was recorded in Julian date format (yyyydddf). |
AEPROCNM | Process name. |
AEPROCNO | Process number. |
AEUNODE | User node of the submitter. |
AEUID | Userid of the submitter. |
AESTEP | Step name or label. |
AESTIME | Time that Process started in hh/mm/ss/tt format. |
AESDATE | Date that Process started in Julian date format (yyyydddf). |
AESCC | Step completion code. |
AEMSGID | Message ID. |
AESDSNL | Length of data set name. |
AESDSN | Source data set name. |
AESDSTYP | Data set type (LIB, DSN). |
AEEVENT | Event code. |
AEEVENTQ | Event code qualifier. |