Display Select Statistics Results
The CDStatistics control is a multi-column list that displays SELECT STATISTICS command results. The CDStatistics control properties determine the node that you are connected to, logon information, and selection criteria. The following figure shows the CDStatistics control where only the message ID and message text are selected.

The following table lists the CDStatistics control properties:
Property | Description |
ColCount=nnnnn | The number of columns to display. The range for the ColCount value is 1–32,000. |
Col=nnnnn | The current column. The range for the Col value is 1–32,000. |
ColWidth=nnnnn | The width of the current column (Col) in pixels. The range for the ColWidth value is 0–32,000. |
Header | The column header text for the current column. Provide text for the value or leave it blank. |
Row=nnnnn... | The current row. If set to 0, the current row is the header. The range for the Row value is 0–Infinity, where the number of rows is limited only by memory. |
RowCount=positive integer | The number of rows in the list, not including the header. This field is read-only and is determined by the number of records returned by the server. |
Node=node name | The name of the node to which you want to connect. The node name must be valid in the MicrosoftWindows NT system Registry. |
User=userid | The user ID used to log on to the Connect:Direct® node. |
Password=password | The password defined to allow the user ID to log onto the node. |
Field | The statistics structure field the current column is displaying. Valid values are Process Name, Process Number, Condition Code, Feedback, MsgId, MsgText, MsgData, LogDateTime, StartDateTime, StopDateTime, Submitter, SNode, RecCat, and RecId. |
ccode=(operator, code) | Selects statistics records based on the completion code operator and return code values associated with step termination. The condition code operator default is eq. You must specify the return code. Refer to dfile=destination filename | (list) below for valid operators and values. |
dfile=destination filename | (list) | Searches all copy termination records (CAPR category, CTRC record ID) to find those with a destination file name matching the file name or list of file names specified. This parameter is not supported in a UNIX environment. |
pname=Process name | generic | (list) | Selects Process statistics by Process name, a generic name, or a list of names. The name can be 1–8 alphanumeric characters long. |
pnumber=Process number | (list) | Selects statistics by Process number or a list of Process numbers. Connect:Direct assigns the Process number when the Process is submitted. |
reccat= Record Category |(list) |
Selects statistics based on whether the record category is related to events, process or an external statistics. The default for this keyword depends on the other search criteria specified.
caev—Specifies that the retrieved statistics file records should include those related to Connect:Direct events, such as a Connect:Direct shutdown. capr—Specifies that the retrieved statistics file records should include those related to one or more Connect:Direct Processes. caex—Specifies that the retrieved statistics file records should include those related to statistics logged by external component in Connect:Direct. |
rnode=remote node name | generic | (list) | Selects statistics file records by remote node name, a generic node name, or a list of node names. The range for the remote node name is 1–16 alphanumeric characters long. |
sfile=filename | (list) | Searches all copy Process Termination records (CAPR category, CTRC record ID) to find those with a source file name matching the name or list of names you specify. |
startt=([date | day] [, time]) | Selects statistics starting with records logged since the specified date, day, or time. The date, day, and time are positional parameters. If you do not specify a date or day, type a comma before the time. date specifies the day (dd), month (mm), and year (yy), which you can code as mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy. If you only specify date, the time defaults to 00:00:00. The current date is the default. day specifies the day of the week. Values are today, yesterday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. If you specify a day of the week, Connect:Direct uses the previous matching day. time specifies the time of day coded as hh:mm:ss[am | pm] where hh is hours, mm is minutes, and ss is seconds. You can specify the hour in either 12- or 24-hour format. If you use the 12-hour format, then you must specify am or pm. The default format is the 24-hour format. The default value is 00:00:00, which indicates midnight. If you specify only the day value, the time defaults to 00:00:00. |
stopt=([date | day] [, time]) | Retrieves statistics including records logged up to and including the specified date, day, or time. The date, day, and time are positional parameters. If you do not specify a date or a day, type a comma before the time. date specifies the day (dd), month (mm), and year (yy), which you can code as mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy. If you only specify date, the time defaults to 00:00:00. The current date is the default. day specifies the day of the week. Values are today, yesterday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. If you specify a day of the week, Connect:Direct uses the previous matching day. time specifies the time of day coded as hh:mm:ss[am | pm] where hh is hours, mm is minutes, and ss is seconds. You can specify the hour in either 12- or 24-hour format. If you use the 12-hour format, then you must specify am or pm. The default is the 24-hour format. The default value is 00:00:00, which indicates midnight. If you specify only the day value, the time defaults to 00:00:00. |
submitter=(node name, userid) | generic | (list) | Selects statistics by the node name and user ID of the Process owner (submitter). You can also specify a generic name and user ID or a list of names and user IDs. The maximum combined length, including the node name and user ID, is 66 characters. Valid completion code operators for the ccode property are listed below: eq | = | == Equal (default) ge | >= | => Greater than or equal gt | > Greater than le | <= | =< Less than or equal lt | < Less than ne | != Not equal Valid completion codes for the ccode property are listed below: 0 — Successful execution of the Process. 4 — A warning-level error was encountered. The statement probably completed normally, but verify the execution results. 8— An error occurred during Process execution. 16 —A severe error occurred during Process execution. |
Property | Description |
recids=record id | (list) | Specifies selection by record ID or a list of record IDs. This parameter identifies particular types of statistics records, such as a copy termination records or initialization event records. AUPR — Authorization file processing CHGP — Change Process command issued COAC — Communication activated CMLT — CMGR listen thread terminated CRHT — Connect:Direct copyright CSTP — Child Process stopped CTRC — Copy control record written CTRM — Child Process terminated CUKN — Child Process unknown status CXIT — Child Process exited DELP — Delete Process command issued EXFA— Integrated File Agent FLSP — Flush Process command issued FMRV — Formatted Header (FMH) received FMSD — Formatted Header (FMH) sent GPRC — Get Process issued IFED — If statement ended IPPR — Initialization parameter processing LIOK — Listen okay NAUH — Node Authorization check issued NMOP — Network map file opened NMPR — Network map processing NUIC — Connect:Direct Initialization complete NUIS — Connect:Direct start initialization NUT1 — Connect:Direct phase one termination complete status NUT2 — Connect:Direct phase two termination complete status NUTC — Connect:Direct termination complete NUTR — Connect:Direct termination requested NUTS — Connect:Direct termination started |
Property | Description |
recids=record id | (list) (Continued) | PERR — Process error detected PFLS — Process flushed PMED — Process Manager ended PMIP — Process Manager Initprocs thread initialized PMMX — Process Manager Max Age thread initialized PMRC — Process Manager release cell thread initialized PMST — Process Manager started PPER — Pipe error PRED — Process ended PSAV — Process saved PSED — Process step detected PSTR — Process started RNCF — Remote server call failed RTED — Run Task command completed RJED — Run Job command completed RFIP — Refresh command issued SBED — Submit complete SELP — Select Process command issued SELS — Select Statistics command issued SEND — Session end issued SERR — System error SHUD — Connect:Direct shutdown SIGC — Signal caught SMED — Session Manager ended SMST — Session Manager started SNHI — APPC started SNMP — SNMP STOP — Stop Connect:Direct command issued SUBP — Submit command issued |
Property | Description |
recids=record id | (list) (Continued) | TCPI — TCP started TRAC — Trace command issued UNKN — Unknown command issued USEC — User Security check issued xxxx — Record types identified by the first four characters of the message ID |
The CDStatistics control provides the following methods:
Method | Description |
BOOL Execute() | Executes the SELECT STATISTICS command and stores the returned records in the control. If the control was already retrieving records, the previous command is stopped and the old records are removed from the control. |
Clear | Clears the existing records from the display. The Clear method does not stop retrieval. |
The following events are controlled by CDStatistics.
Method | Description |
Complete | Sent after all records are retrieved. |
Error | The standard error event. Possible codes are: CTL_E_PERMISSIONDENIED—cannot log onto the node. CTL_E_DEVICEUNAVALIABLE—cannot connect to the node. CTL_E_OUTOFMEMORY—out of memory. CTL_E_ILLEGALFUNCTIONCALL—an unknown error. |