DGADBATC EXEC parameters

The DGADBATC EXEC parameters identify optional output formatting routines.

The characters in the PARM keyword in the DGADBATC EXEC statement are required parameters. The output is displayed in the data set defined by DMPRINT. In the following table which lists the positional DGADBATC EXEC parameters, Y stands for yes, N for no, S for short text, and L for long text.

Position Value Description
1 Y Display the command string that executed.
  N Do not display the command string that executed.
2 Y Display the API return code and message ID.
  N Do not display the API return code and message ID.
3 S Display short message text when the API sends a return code of zero.
  L Display long message text when the API sends a return code of zero.
  N Do not display message text when the API sends a return code of zero.
4 S Display short message text when the API sends a non-zero return code.
  L Display long message text when the API sends a non-zero return code.
  N Do not display message text when the API sends a return code greater than zero.
5 Y Display the data that generated in the temporary file.
  N Do not display the data that generated in the temporary file.
6 N Reserved
7 N Reserved
8 Y If parameter 9 is specified as N, this parameters prints output from a SELECT STATS command to DMPRINT when a MAXDELAY Process fails with a return code other than 52.
9 Y Enables monitoring of the MAXDELAY Restart Process. Produces informational messages about monitoring and about the submitted and monitored Process number. For more information about MAXDELAY restart, see Using the MAXDELAY keyword parameter to synchronize submitted Processes
N Allows the MAXDELAY Process to execute without restart. The DGADBATC step is suspended until the Process completes execution.

Applies to MAXDELAY Restart only.

Y If parameter 9 is specified as Y, the MAXDELAY progress is processed on a status report to the DMPRINT DD using the Select Process command.
Note: Using this parameter may result in a large amount of data for DMPRINT DD.
N Suppresses the progress report.

Applies to MAXDELAY and MAXDELAY Restart.

Y Forces the DGADBATC step to terminate on the first return code of 8 or greater.
N Allows the DGADBATC step to continue to process the commands in SYSIN even after a non-zero return code.