Configuring - Understanding values.yaml
in Helm charts and are used to complete installation. Use the following steps to complete this
action:- Specify parameters that need to be overridden using the
--set key=value[,key=value]
argument at Helm install.Example:helm version 2helm install --name <release-name> \ --set cdArgs.cport=9898 \ ... ibm-connect-direct-1.1.x.tgz
helm version 3helm install <release-name> \ --set cdArgs.cport=9898 \ ... ibm-connect-direct-1.1.x.tgz
- Alternatively, provide a YAML file with values specified for configurable parameters when
you install a Chart. The values.yaml file can be obtained from the helm chart itself using the
following command-
For Online Cluster
helm inspect values ibm-helm/ibm-connect-direct > my-values.yaml
For Offline Clusterhelm inspect values <path to ibm-connect-direct Helm chart> > my-values.yaml
Now, edit the parameters in my-values.yaml file and use it for installation.Examplehelm version 2helm install --name <release-name> -f my-values.yaml ... ibm-connect-direct-1.1.x.tgz
helm version 3helm install <release-name> -f my-values.yaml ... ibm-connect-direct-1.1.x.tgz
To mount extra volumes use any of the following templates.
For HostpathextraVolumeMounts: - name: <name> mountPath: <path inside container> extraVolume: - name: <name same as name in extraVolumeMounts> hostPath: path: <path on host machine> type: DirectoryOrCreate
For NFS ServerextraVolumeMounts: - name: <name> mountPath: <path inside container> extraVolume: - name: <name same as name in extraVolumeMounts> nfs: path: <nfs data path> server: <server ip>
Alternatively, this can also be done using --set flag.
helm install --name <release-name> --set extraVolume[0].name=<name>,extraVolume[0].hostPath.path=<path on host machine>,extraVolume[0].hostPath.type="DirectoryOrCreate",extraVolumeMounts[0].name=<name same as name in extraVolume>,extraVolumeMounts[0].mountPath=<path inside container> \ ... ibm-connect-direct-1.1.x.tgz
ORhelm install --name <release-name> --set extraVolume[0].name=<name>,extraVolume[0].nfs.path=<nfs data path>,extraVolume[0].nfs.server=<NFS server IP>, extraVolumeMounts[0].name=<name same as name in extraVolume>,extraVolumeMounts[0].mountPath=<path inside container> \ ... ibm-connect-direct-1.1.x.tgz
If extra volume is mounted, please make sure container user (cduser/appuser) has proper read/write permission. The required permissions can be provided to the container user supplemental groups or fs groups as applicable. For example - if an extra NFS share is being mounted where customer user resides and its POSIX group ID 3535, then during deployment add this group ID as supplemental group to ensure container user to be member of this group. -
To use Port Check Ignore List feature, configure as below :
service.externalTrafficPolicy: "Local"
Use external IP which should be node's IP where pod is deployed as Port Check Ignore List IP addresses in the initparm.cfg after successful deployment.
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
licenseType | Specify prod or non-prod for production or non-production license type respectively | prod |
license | License agreement. Set true to accept the license. | false |
env.timezone | Timezone | UTC |
arch | Node Architecture | amd64 |
replicaCount | Number of deployment replicas | 1 |
image.repository | Image full name including repository | |
image.tag | Image tag | |
digest.enabled | Enable/Disable digest of image to be used | false |
digest.value | The digest value for the image | |
image.imageSecrets | Image pull secrets | |
image.pullPolicy | Image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
cdArgs.nodeName | Node name | cdnode |
cdArgs.crtName | Certificate file name | |
cdArgs.localCertLabel | Specify certificate import label in keystore | Client-API |
cdArgs.cport | Client Port | 1363 | | Server Port | 1364 |
saclConfig | Configuration for SACL | n |
cdArgs.configDir | Directory for storing Connect:Direct configuration files | CDFILES | |
Name of Non-Admin Connect:Direct User |
appuser |
appUser.uid |
UID of Non-Admin Connect:Direct User | |
appUser.gid | GID of Non-Admin Connect:Direct User | |
storageSecurity.fsGroup |
Group ID for File System Group | 45678 |
storageSecurity.supplementalGroups | Group ID for Supplemental group | 5555 |
persistence.enabled | To use persistent volume | true |
pvClaim.existingClaimName | Provide name of existing PV claim to be used | |
persistence.useDynamicProvisioning | To use storage classes to dynamically create PV | false |
pvClaim.accessMode | Access mode for PV Claim | ReadWriteOnce |
pvClaim.storageClassName | Storage class of the PVC | |
pvClaim.selector.label | PV label key to bind this PVC | |
pvClaim.selector.value | PV label value to bind this PVC | |
pvClaim.size | Size of PVC volume | 100Mi |
service.type | Kubernetes service type exposing ports | LoadBalancer | | API port name | api |
service.apiport.port | API port number | 1363 |
service.apiport.protocol | Protocol for service | TCP | | Server (File Transfer) Port name | ft |
service.ftport.port | Server (File Transfer) Port number | 1364 |
service.ftport.protocol | Protocol for service | TCP |
service.loadBalancerIP | Provide the LoadBalancer IP | |
service.loadBalancerSourceRanges | Provide Load Balancer Source IP ranges | [] |
service.annotations | Provide the annotations for service | {} |
service.externalTrafficPolicy | Specify if external Traffic policy is needed | |
service.sessionAffinity | Specify session affinity type | ClientIP |
service.externalIP | External IP for service discovery | [] |
networkPolicy.from | Provide from specification for network policy for ingress traffic | [] | | Provide to specification for network policy for egress traffic | [] |
secret.certSecretName | Name of secret resource of certificate files for dynamic provisioning | |
secret.secretName | Secret name for Connect:Direct password store | |
resources.limits.cpu | Container CPU limit | 500mi |
resources.limits.memory | Container memory limit | 2000Mi |
resources.limits.ephemeral-storage | Specify ephemeral storage limit size for pod's container | "5Gi" |
resources.requests.cpu | Container CPU requested | 500m |
resources.requests.memory | Container Memory requested | 2000Mi |
resources.requests.ephemeral-storage | Specify ephemeral storage request size for pod's container | "3Gi" |
serviceAccount.create | Enable/disable service account creation | true | | Name of Service Account to use for container | |
extraVolumeMounts | Extra Volume mounts | |
extraVolume | Extra volumes | |
affinity.nodeAffinity.required DuringSchedulingIgnoredDuring Execution |
k8sPodSpec.nodeAffinity.required DuringSchedulingIgnoredDuring Execution |
affinity.nodeAffinity.preferred DuringSchedulingIgnoredDuring Execution |
k8sPodSpec.nodeAffinity.preferred DuringSchedulingIgnoredDuring Execution |
affinity.podAffinity.required DuringSchedulingIgnoredDuring Execution |
PodSpec.podAntiAffinity. requiredDuringSchedulingIgnored DuringExecution |
affinity.podAffinity.preferred DuringSchedulingIgnoredDuring Execution |
k8sPodSpec.podAntiAffinity. preferredDuringScheduling IgnoredDuringExecution |
affinity.podAntiAffinity.required DuringSchedulingIgnoredDuring Execution |
k8sPodSpec.podAntiAffinity. requiredDuringSchedulingIgnored DuringExecution |
affinity.podAntiAffinity.preferred DuringSchedulingIgnoredDuring Execution |
k8sPodSpec.podAntiAffinity. preferredDuringSchedulingIgnored DuringExecution |
livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | Initial delay for liveness | 45 |
livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds | Timeout for liveness | 5 |
livenessProbe.periodSeconds | Time period for liveness | 15 |
readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | Initial delays for readiness | 40 |
readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds | Timeout for readiness | 5 |
readinessProbe.periodSeconds | Time period for readiness | 25 |
route.enabled | Route for OpenShift Enabled/Disabled | false |
cduser.uid | UID for cduser | 45678 |
cduser.gid | GID for cduser | 45678 |
ldap.enabled | Enable/Disable LDAP configuration | false | | LDAP server host | |
ldap.port | LDAP port | |
ldap.domain | LDAP Domain | |
ldap.tls | Enable/Disable LDAP TLS | false |
lap.caCert | LDAP CA Certificate name | |
ldap.clientValidation | Enable/Disable LDAP Client Validation | false |
ldap.clientCert | LDAP Client Certificate name | |
ldap.clientKey | LDAP Client Certificate key name | |
extraLabels | Provide extra labels for all resources of this chart | {} |
cdfa.fileAgentEnable | Specify y/n to Enable/Disable File Agent | n |
The chart provides ways in form of node affinity, pod affinity and pod anti-affinity to configure advance pod scheduling in Kubernetes. See, Kubernetes documentation for details.
Understanding LDAP deployment parameters
- Updating
file: When the LDAP authentication is enabled, the container startup script automatically updates theinitparam
configuration to support the PAM module. The following line is added toinitparam.cfg
- The following packages are pre-installed in the container image to enable the LDAP
openldap-client, sssd, sssd-ldap, openssl-perl, authselect
- The following default configuration file (/etc/sssd/sssd.conf) is
added to the image. You must replace the values highlighted in bold with the values of
environment variables as explained in next section.
[domain/default] id_provider = ldap autofs_provider = ldap auth_provider = ldap chpass_provider = ldap ldap_uri = LDAP_PROTOCOL://LDAP_HOST:LDAP_PORT ldap_search_base = LDAP_DOMAIN ldap_id_use_start_tls = True ldap_tls_cacertdir = /etc/openldap/certs ldap_tls_cert = /etc/openldap/certs/LDAP_TLS_CERT_FILE ldap_tls_key = /etc/openldap/certs/LDAP_TLS_KEY_FILE cache_credentials = True ldap_tls_reqcert = allow
- Description of the Certificates required for the configuration:
- Mount certificates inside CDU Container:
- Copy the certificates needed for LDAP configuration in the mapped directory which is used to share the Connect:Direct Unix secure plus certificates (CDFILES/cdcert directory by default).
- DNS resolution: If TLS is enabled and hostname of LDAP server is passed as “”, then it must be ensured that the hostname is resolved inside the container. It is the responsibility of Cluster Administrator to ensure DNS resolution inside pod's container.
- Certificates creation and configuration: This section provides a sample way to generate the certificates:
- LDAP_CACERT - The root and all the intermediate CA certificates needs to be copied in one file.
- LDAP_CLIENT_CERT – The client certificate which the server must be able to validate.
- LDAP_CLIENT_KEY – The client certificate key.
- Use the below new parameters for LDAP configuration:
- ldap.enabled
- ldap.port
- ldap.domain
- ldap.tls
- ldap.caCert
- ldap.clientValidation
- ldap.clientCert
- ldpa.clientKey
- Mount certificates inside CDU Container: