Installing Connect:Direct for UNIX with optional files

Complete the following procedure for a complete, script-only installation of Connect:Direct® for UNIX:

  1. Create the options file to install Connect:Direct.
  2. Create one of more of the following optional files:
    • More keycert files
    • Connect:Direct initparm.cfg, netmap.cfg, or userfile.cfg files. You can use one or more of these files.
      Note: If the silent installation options file includes port numbers different from the port numbers that are specified in the optional .cfg files, the silent installation overrides the options file parameters and uses the parameters from the optional .cfg files.
    • Connect:Direct Secure Plus configuration command file
    • Xlate tables
  3. Log in to the target server.
  4. Create a deployment directory.
  5. Copy the cdinstall_a, cdinstall, keycert file, cpio file, options file, and other files to the deployment directory. You can put the cpio file on a network file system instead of the deployment directory.
  6. Run cdinstall_a.
  7. Review the log file in the deployment directory (cdaiLog.txt).