Installation executable silent operation

There are four types of operations: Install, upgrade, apply fix pack, and uninstall.

The following example illustrates how to use the installation executable file for a new installation:
<Drive:\path>Setup.exe /s /v"ADDLOCAL=ALL REMOVE=Symbols 
CD_SRVR_INI_FILE=\"C:\MyFiles\cd_srvr.ini\" /qn /l*vx \"C:\cdinstall.log\""
Tip: You can specify the CD_SOLIDDB_PWD in the cd_srvr.ini file.
The following example illustrates how to use the installation executable for an upgrade installation (CD_SETUP_TYPE=Upgrade):
<Drive:\path>Setup.exe /s /v"ADDLOCAL=ALL REMOVE=Symbols 
CD_SRVR_INI_FILE=\"C:\MyFiles\cd_srvr.ini\" /qn /l*vx \"C:cdupgrade.log\""
Tip: You can specify the CD_SOLIDDB_PWD and CD_SETUP_TYPE in the cd_srvr.ini file.
The following example illustrates how to use the installation executable for a fix pack installation (SEPATCH_ONLY_FLAG=1):
<Drive:\path><Fix Pack executable> /v"SEPATCH_ONLY_FLAG=1 /qn /l*vx C:\temp\fpinstall.log" /s
The following example illustrates how to use the installation executable to uninstall (/x) Connect:Direct® for Microsoft Windows.
Important: The uninstall works only with the same version of the installer executable as the instance that is being uninstalled.
<Drive:\path><setup.exe> /v"/qn /l*vx C:\temp\uninstall.log" /s /x
<Drive:\path>< Fix Pack executable > /v"/qn /l*vx C:\temp\uninstall.log" /s /x