Spool Transfer Facility

IBM® Connect:Direct® Spool Transfer is an interface that enables you to transfer Job Entry Subsystem (JES) spool files in the following ways:
  • Copy from JES Spool Files

    The VPS/CDI option and the VPSSCDI program manage input from JES spool files. Using this feature allows IBM Connect:Direct to transfer spool from one system to another.

  • Copy to JES Print Queues

    IBM Connect:Direct dynamically allocates a print file and writes the input file directly to the JES Spool.

  • Copy to JES Reader Queues

    IBM Connect:Direct dynamically allocates an internal reader and writes the input file directly to the JES Reader.

For outbound transfers, this feature requires the following additional products from Levi, Ray & Schoup (LRS):
  • VTAM Printer Support (VPS)
  • VPS IBM Connect:Direct Interface (VPS/CDI) Option
Note: To send output to JES2 or JES3 (Reader or a printer queue), you do not need the VTAM Printer Support and VPS IBM Connect:Direct Interface (VPS/CDI) Option components.

IBM Connect:Direct Spool Transfer uses standard IBM Connect:Direct facilities, which provide automation, reliability, management, interoperability, and security.