Configuring Process Library support

Prior to version 6.2, DTF Server could only submit process from process library dataset defined in DD DMPUBLIB specified in DTF Startup JCL.

From version 6.2 onwards, a new feature, Process Library, added on Connect:Direct Web Services allows you to perform List, Add, Delete, Rename and Get operations on process members within process library dataset via Connect:Direct Web Services. To avail Process Library feature, you must specify Process Library dataset as 1st concatenation dataset of DD DMPUBLIB in DTF Startup JCL.
Note: From version 6.2 onwards, DD DMPUBLIB is mandatory on DTF Startup JCL. In case, DD DMPUBLIB not specified then, Connect:Direct startup will fail with error message SITB100E. MVS PDS(E) dataset or OMVS USS directory can be configured as Process Library dataset
For example, to specify MVS PDS(E) dataset CD.PROCESS.LIB as Process Library, define DD DMPUBLIB in DTF Startup JCL as follows:
To specify OMVS USS directory ‘/u/cd/processlibrary’ as Process Library, define DD DMPUBLIB in DTF Startup JCL as follows:
//DMPUBLIB  DD PATH='/u/cd/processlibrary',
//           FILEDATA=TEXT,
//           PATHOPTS=(ORDONLY),
//           RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=800