This parameter specifies a destination IP address (or multiple addresses) and the source ports associated with the destination addresses. The values in this parameter are loaded into a table that IBM® Connect:Direct® uses to find a match when establishing a session. It is available only for z/OS nodes using TCP=OES.

The syntax for this parameter is as follows:

TCP.SRC.PORTS = (ip.address,port-ranges),(ip.address2,port1,port2), - 
TCP.SRC.PORTS = (ip.address/submask,port-ranges), …
TCP.SRC.PORTS = (ip.address/0XFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF,ports,ranges)

Use a wildcard character [* or 0 (zero)] to define a destination IP address pattern. The wildcards must be in the least significant positions.

You can add an optional subnet mask for the destination IP address, followed by the source port number and/or range of port numbers for the destination IP address.

For IPv4, valid subnet mask values are:

  • Dotted quad notation, such as
  • Hexadecimal notation, such as 0xffffff00

For IPv4 address specification, the ip.address can be fully qualified such as, or a generic address such as 199.1.*

You cannot use a subnet mask if you use wildcards in the destination IP address pattern.

Specify the range of source ports from lowest port number to highest port number order. For example, 1025–2000 is valid, whereas 2000–1025 is invalid. The source port numbers must be between 1025–65535, inclusive.

Note: The number of source ports defined must be sufficient to handle the number of concurrent IBM Connect:Direct sessions. If not, performance can be severely affected.

Following is an example.

TCP.SRC.PORTS =	(199.2.4.*, 5000-5050),	-
	(, 1376),	-
	(, 2000-2100, 3000-3100),	-
	(138.16.*.*, 2000-2050, 3000-3050, 4001, 4005)

For IPv6 specification, the ip.address is specified in IPv6 format with colons. It can be fully qualified such as 1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8 or a generic address 1:2:3:4:*. Generic specification of the IPv6 ip.address cannot use the shortcut specification. For example, 1111:0:0:0:0:6666:7777:8888 can be specified as 1111::6666:7777:8888 as a fully qualified name. However, 1111::6666:* is not allowed because there is no way to know how many zeros have been eliminated.

For IPv6, valid subnet mask values are:

  • Hexadecimal notation, such as 0XFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00000000
Note: If the specification of an IPv6 address, mask and ports takes more than one line, split at the slash dividing the ip.address from the submask.

The following example demonstrates how to specify an IPv6 address, mask and ports over more than one line:

TCP.SOURCE.PORTS=(1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888/ -
    0XFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00000000,02000-03000,03500), -

Modifiable through MODIFY INITPARMS command: NO