EXPDT = (TT,DD,TD,DT) (if multiple values EXPDT = TT | DD | TD | DT | ALL | NONE (if only one value)

This parameter specifies IBM® Connect:Direct® system defaults for propagating the expiration date from the FROM data set to a NEW data set. The following table lists the valid keywords for the EXPDT parameter and coding conventions.

Value Meaning Result
TT tape-to-tape Propagate the expiration date if the data set on the sending side and the data set on the receiving side are both on tape.
DD DASD-to-DASD Propagate the expiration date if the data set on the sending side is on DASD and the data set on the receiving side is also on DASD.
TD tape-to-DASD Propagate the expiration date if the data set on the sending side is on tape and the data set on the receiving side is on DASD.
DT DASD-to-tape Propagate the expiration date if the data set on the sending side is on DASD and the data set on the receiving side is on tape.
ALL   Always propagate the EXPDT from data sets on all device types to data sets on all device types (works only for DASD and tape).
NONE   Never propagate the expiration date of the sending data set to the receiving data set. This value is the default.

If you specify multiple values, enclose them in parentheses and separate them by a comma. If you code a single value, you do not need to enclose them in parentheses. If you code ALL or NONE, you cannot code any other keyword.

The receiving side determines whether or not IBM Connect:Direct propagates the expiration date. If the sending side specifies ALL in its initialization parameter, but the receiving side specifies NONE, the EXPDT is not propagated. Therefore, if the copy is from SNODE to PNODE, the PNODE side makes the determination; if the copy is from PNODE to SNODE, the SNODE side determines if the EXPDT is propagated.

IBM Connect:Direct overrides the EXPDT initialization parameter in a Process when the following conditions occur:

  • If you code an EXPDT or RETPD parameter for the receiving side (TO side) in the Process, IBM Connect:Direct uses that EXPDT or RETPD and ignore the initialization parameter EXPDT.
  • If you code an EXPDT or RETPD for the sending side (FROM side) in a Process and not for the receiving side, IBM Connect:Direct uses the EXPDT in the Process, according to the EXPDT initialization parameter setting on the receiving side.
  • If you do not specify the EXPDT in the Process and the input (FROM) data set is on DASD, IBM Connect:Direct obtains the EXPDT from the DSCB. If the input data set is on tape and the tape is SL or AL (Standard or ASCII), IBM Connect:Direct uses the tape label. When IBM Connect:Direct dynamically allocates the data set on the receiving side, EXPDT is used, according to the initialization parameter EXPDT setting on the receiving side.

When you transfer a data set with no associated EXPDT, the following occurs:

If an input data set does not have an EXPDT, and the EXPDT is to be propagated, then the dynamic allocation string for the output data set specifies LABEL = EXPDT = 00000. DASD data sets are considered to not have an EXPDT if the DSCB EXPDT is 00000. Tape data sets are considered to not have an EXPDT if the HDR1 label contains 00000 for the EXPDT. When a data set is allocated with LABEL = EXPDT = 00000, the tape header label or the DASD DSCB contains zeroes for the EXPDT on the output data set. If you have a tape management system or DASD management system, their databases can reflect a different EXPDT than the tape label or DASD DSCB, depending upon the defaults on the receiving side.

Modifiable through MODIFY INITPARMS command: YES