Use the INSERT TYPE command to insert a new Type record into the Type file. Use the UPDATE TYPE command to update an existing Type record. These commands use the following format and parameters. The required parameters appear in bold. Default values for parameters are underlined.
Label | Command | Parameters |
(optional) | INSert TYPE | UPDate TYPE | TYPEKEY=typekey |
DCB=(BLKSIZE = no. bytes
,DSORG = (DA | PS | PO | VSAM) ,LRECL = no. bytes ,RECFM = record format) |
VERSION=1|2 | ||
MAXGENS=0-2000000000 | ||
AVGREC=(U|K|M) | ||
DATACLAS=data_class_name | ||
KEYLEN=bytes | ||
KEYOFF=offset_to_key | ||
LIKE=model_data_set_name | ||
LRECL=bytes | ||
MGMTCLAS=management_class_name | ||
SECMODEL=(profile_name [,GENERIC]) | ||
STORCLAS=storage_class_name | ||
SPACE=(CYL | TRK | blk,
(prim, sec, (dir)) (,RLSE|,(CONTIG|,)(ROUND|)) (ave_rec_len,(primary_rcds,secondary_rcds)) |
UNIT=unit type | ||
VOL=SER = volume serial number | ||
IOEXIT=exitname|(exitname[,parameter,parameter...]) |
Following is the required parameter for the INSERT TYPE or UPDATE TYPE command.
Parameter | Description |
TYPEKEY=typekey | Name associated with the entry being added or updated. The Type key is a 1–8 character alphanumeric string. The first character must be alphabetic. |
Following are the optional parameters for the INSERT TYPE or UPDATE TYPE command:
Parameter | Description |
([BLKSIZE=no.bytes, DSORG=[DA|PS|PO| VSAM], LRECL=no.bytes, RECFM=record format]) |
This parameter specifies DCB information associated
with the data set name on the COPY statement. BLKSIZE specifies the length of the block in bytes. DSORG specifies the file organization. File organizations supported are DA, PS, PO, and VSAM. LRECL specifies the length of the records in bytes. RECFM specifies the format of the records in the file. Specify any valid format, such as F, FA, FB, FBA, FBM, FM, U, V, VB, VBA, VBM, and VBS. Any file attributes specified on the COPY statement take precedence over those in the Type file. If you do not include attributes on the COPY statement, attributes in the Type file take precedence. If attributes are defined in the COPY TO or the Type file, the attributes are taken from the FROM side (source). |
This parameter specifies the default destination
file status on the receiving node. The first DISP subparameter specifies the status of the file. Only the OLD and RPL dispositions apply to VSAM files. NEW (default) specifies that the Process step creates the destination file. OLD specifies that the destination file existed before the Process began executing and that the Process is given exclusive control of the file. The destination file can be a VSAM file, a SAM file, or a PDS (IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS). MOD specifies that the Process step modifies the SAM file by adding data to the end of the file. If a system failure occurs when MOD is specified, the system is designed not to restart because data loss or duplication is difficult to detect. RPL specifies that the destination file replaces any existing file or allocates a new file. You can specify DISP=RPL for SAM or VSAM files. If the file is VSAM, you must define it with the REUSE attribute. You cannot specify RPL if VOL=SER is specified. SHR specifies that the source file existed before the Process began executing and that the file can be used simultaneously by another job or Process. The second subparameter specifies the normal termination disposition. It does not apply to VSAM files. KEEP specifies that the system keeps the file after the Process step completes. If DISP=(NEW,KEEP), you must also specify a volume serial number. CATLG (default) specifies that the system keeps the file after the Process step completes and places an entry in the catalog. DELETE specifies that the system deletes the file after the Process step completes. The third subparameter specifies abnormal termination disposition. It does not apply to VSAM files. This subparameter has no default. KEEP specifies that the system keeps the file after the Process terminates abnormally. CATLG (default) specifies that the system keeps the file after the Process step terminates abnormally and places an entry in the catalog. DELETE specifies that the system deletes the file after the Process if IBM® Connect:Direct® terminates abnormally. The third subparameter specifies abnormal termination disposition. It does not apply to VSAM files. This subparameter has no default. |
Specifies the DSNTYPE of a new data set. LIBRARY specifies a partitioned data set extended (PDSE). PDS specifies a partitioned data set. BASIC specifies a sequential data set which can have no more than 65535 tracks per volume. LARGE specifies a sequential data set which can contain more than 65535 tracks per volume. EXTPREF specifies that the extended attribute is preferred. If an extended format data set cannot be allocated, a data set is created without the attribute. EXTREQ specifies that the extended attribute is required. |
VERSION = 1 | 2 | Specifies the DSNTYPE VERSION for a new data set. VERSION is only allowed when DSN-TYPE=LIBRARY, EXTREQ or EXTPREF. |
MAXGENS = 0-2000000000 | Specifies the maximum number of generations for a new PDSE V2. MAXGENS is only allowed when DSNTYPE=LIBRARY and VERSION=2. |
AVGREC=(U | K | M) | Requests that IBM Connect:Direct allocate
the data set in records. The primary and secondary space quantities
represent the number of records requested in units, thousands, or
millions of records. This parameter is mutually exclusive with the
TRK, CYL, and ABSTR subparameters of the SPACE keyword. U specifies a record request where primary and secondary space quantities are the number of records requested. It is a multiple of 1. K specifies a record request where primary and secondary space quantities are the number of records requested in thousands of records. It is a multiple of 1024. M specifies a record request where primary and secondary space quantities are the number of records requested in millions of records. It is a multiple of 1,048,576. |
DATACLAS=data_class_name | Requests the data class for a new data set. The
class selected must be previously defined by the SMS administrator.
You can use this keyword with VSAM data sets, sequential data sets,
or partitioned data sets. data_class_name specifies the 1–8 character name of the data class to which this data set belongs. The name of the data class is assigned by the SMS administrator. |
KEYLEN=bytes | This parameter specifies the length of the keys
in the file. This keyword is not restricted as a subparameter of the
DCB keyword to support use with VSAM KS data sets. bytes specifies the length in bytes of the keys used in the file. You must specify this value with a decimal integer from 0–255 for non-VSAM data sets or 1–255 for VSAM data sets. |
KEYOFF=offset_to_key | This parameter specifies the offset within the
record to the first byte of the key in a new VSAM KS data set. The
relative first byte of the record is byte 0. The range is 0–32760. offset_to_key specifies the position of the first byte of the key in the record. |
LIKE=model_data_set_name | Requests that allocation attributes for a new
data set are copied from an existing cataloged data set. Any or all
of the following attributes are copied to the new data set: RECORG
specified for the data set override the values from the model data
set. Neither EXPDT nor RETPD is copied from the model data set. model_data_set_name specifies the name of the data set from which the allocation attributes are copied. |
LRECL=bytes | This parameter specifies the length in bytes of
the records in the new data set. This parameter is allowed outside
of the DCB keyword to allow use with SMS VSAM data sets. Do not specify
LRECL with RECORG=LS type data sets. bytes specifies the length of the records in the data set. For a non-VSAM data set, this length is 1–32760 bytes. For VSAM data sets, this length is 1–32761 bytes. The LRECL must be longer than the KEYLEN value for VSAM KS data sets. |
management_class_name |
Determines to which of the previously defined
management classes this new data set belongs. The attributes in this
class determine such things as when a data set is migrated and when
the data set is backed up. management_class_name specifies the 1–8 character name of the management class to which this data set belongs. The name of the management class is assigned by the SMS administrator. |
RECORG=(KS|ES|RR|LS) | Defines the organization of records in a new VSAM
data set. If RECORG is not specified, then SMS assumes that the data
set is either a physical sequential (PS) data set or a partitioned
(PO) data set. KS specifies a VSAM key-sequenced data set ES specifies a VSAM entry-sequenced data set RR specifies a VSAM relative record data set LS specifies a VSAM linear space data set |
(profile_name,GENERIC) |
Copies an existing IBM RACF profile as
the discrete profile for this new data set. The following information
is copied along with the profile: OWNER, ID, UACC, AUDIT/GLOBALAUDIT,
ERASE, LEVEL, DATA, WARNING, and SECLEVEL. profile_name specifies the name of the model IBM RACF profile, discrete data set profile, or generic data set profile that is copied to the discrete data set profile created for the new data set. GENERIC identifies that the profile_name refers to a generic data set profile. |
STORCLAS=storage_class_name | This parameter specifies the storage class to
which the data set is assigned. The SMS administrator must define
the storage class name to the SMS system by the SMS administrator.
The storage class defines a storage service level for the data set
and replaces the UNIT and VOLUME keywords for non-SMS data sets. You
cannot use JCL keywords to override any of the attributes in the storage
class. You can use an Automatic Class Selection (ACS) routine to override
the specified class. storage_class_name specifies the 1–8 character name of the storage class to which this data set is assigned. |
SPACE= (CYL | TRK | blk,
(prim, [sec],[dir]) [,RLSE |, ] [,CONTIG |, ] [,ROUND]) | (ave_rec_len,[primary_rcds, secondary_rcds]) |
This parameter specifies the amount of storage
allocated for new files on the destination node. If SPACE is specified,
the DISP of the destination file must be NEW. If SPACE is not specified
and the DISP is either NEW or CATLG, space allocation defaults to
the value obtained from the source file. The default is blk (blocks)
with the ROUND option, which provides device-independent space allocation. If the AVGREC keyword is specified, the allocation of the data set is done on a record size basis instead of TRK, CYL, or BLK. This restriction is also true when the AVGREC keyword is present in the COPY statement. CYL specifies that space is allocated in cylinders. TRK specifies that space is allocated in tracks. blk specifies that space is allocated by the average block length of the data. The system computes the number of tracks to allocate. If the subparameter ROUND is also specified, the system allocates the space in cylinders. ROUND is preferred because allocation is performed on cylinders in a device-independent manner. prim specifies the primary allocation of storage. sec specifies the secondary allocation of storage. dir specifies the storage allocated for the PDS directory. RLSE releases the unused storage allocated to the output file. CONTIG specifies that the storage for the primary allocation must be contiguous. ROUND specifies that the storage allocated by average block length be rounded to an integral number of cylinders. ave_rec_len specifies the average record length, in bytes, of the data. IBM Connect:Direct computes the BLKSIZE and the number of tracks to allocate. The record length must be a decimal value from 1–65535. primary_rcds specifies the number of records that the data set contains. IBM Connect:Direct uses this number and the value of the AVGREC keyword to compute the primary space allocation. secondary_rcds specifies the number of additional records to allocate space for when the primary space is exhausted. IBM Connect:Direct uses this value and the AVGREC keyword to compute the number of tracks to allocate. |
UNIT = unit type | This parameter indicates the unit address, device type, or user-assigned group name that contains the data. For SAM-to-SAM copies, where the destination file is new and the UNIT parameter is not coded with the TO parameter, the device type from the source file is used. |
VOL = SER = volume serial number | This parameter specifies the volume serial number containing the file. If VOL=SER is not specified with the FROM parameter, you must catalogue the file. |
IOEXIT = exitname | (exitname [,parameter, parameter,...]) | This parameter indicates that a user-written program
is given control to perform I/O requests for the associated data. exitname specifies the name of the user-written program given control for I/O related requests for the associated data. The character length for IOEXIT is a variable of 1–510 characters. parameter | (parameter,parameter,...) specifies a parameter, or list of parameters, passed to the specified exit. A parameter consists of a data type followed by the value in single quotes, for example C'ABC'. For a full description of valid parameter formats, see the RUN TASK statement parameters in the Connect:Direct Process Language help. |