Using the DGASSTAT Utility to Determine File Usage

Use the DGASSTAT utility to find out the rate at which the system generates statistics records. DGASSTAT also performs an analysis of the contents of the statistics file showing what percentage of the records are of each record type. This utility runs as a batch job step, and analyzes a single statistics entry-sequenced file.

Use the DGASSTAT JCL to report on the statistics files. It calculates the average number of CIs used per day at one DTF.

The job stream example in the following figure, DGAJSTAT , is found in the $CD.SDGAJCL distribution library.

//JOBNAME  JOB (ACCT),CLASS=A                                          
//*                                                          *         
//*       Connect:Direct                                     *         
//*                                                          *         
//*        This JCL will invoke the utility to produce       *         
//*        a report for a Statistics File.                   *         
//*                                                          *         
//*        Change "$CD" to the high-level qualifier(s)       *         
//*        appropriate for your installation.                *         
//*                                                          *         
//*        Change "$CDVSAM.STAT.ESDS01" to match the name    *         
//*        of the Statistics file to be analyzed.            *         
//*                                                          *         
//STEP1    EXEC PGM=DGASSTAT                                           
//STEPLIB  DD DISP=SHR,DSN=$CD.SDGALINK                                
//SYSOUT   DD SYSOUT=*