User Exit Functions

A connection between the user exit and IBM® Connect:Direct® is established when the user exit program calls the exit_child_init() or exit_child_init_c() function. The connection is terminated through a specially designated stop message. The types of messages are defined in the include file user_exit.h. The following functions facilitate communications between the user exit and IBM Connect:Direct:

C++ Function C Function Description
exit_child_init() exit_child_init_c() Use this function as the first line in a user exit program to initialize communications between IBM Connect:Direct and the user exit program.
recv_exit_msg() recv_exit_msg_c() Used by both IBM Connect:Direct and the user exit program to receive a message from the other Process. The receive exit messages wait for a response from the other Process.
send_exit_file() send_exit_file_c() The user exit program uses this function when it has opened a file for IBM Connect:Direct. This function uses underlying UNIX methods to pass an open file descriptor. from one Process to another.
send_exit_msg() send_exit_msg_c() Both IBM Connect:Direct and the user exit program use this function to send a message to the other Process. Send messages are followed with a receive message to get the response from the other Process.