Modifiable TCQE Fields

The following table describes TCQE fields that you can examine or modify using the Submit exit.

TCQE Field Content
TQCBHLNG contains the length of the entire TCQE header. This length added to the address of the TCQE gives the address of the TCQSH.
TQSTMTN contains the number of statements in this Process.
TQUNODE contains the symbolic node name for the submitter of this Process.
TQUID contains the user ID for the submitter of this Process.
TQUPAS contains the password for the submitter of this Process.
TQPUID contains the security user ID at the primary node.
TQOPPAS contains the old security password at the primary node.
TQNPPAS contains the new security password at the primary node.
TQSUID contains the security user ID at the secondary node.
TQOSPAS contains the old security password at the secondary node.
TQNSPAS contains the new security password at the secondary node.
TQRTNCD contains the Process completion code. The user exit changes this field when an error is encountered in the exit or if the Process is no longer submitted upon return from the exit.
TQMSGID contains the Process message ID. The user exit includes a message ID related to any return codes set in the exit.
TQCSPRD contains the displacement to the first Process statement from the TCQE. This length added to the address of the TCQE gives the address of the TCQSH.
Note: If TQGT64K in TQFLAGA is 1, this displacement must be multiplied by 16.
TQPARSES contains the value of the maximum number of parallel sessions allowed for the SNODE when submitting a Process.
TQPRSBYT contains parallel session class. See the following section for details.
TQPRSBIT contains parallel session class. See the following section for details.
TQPROCNM contains the name of the submitted Process.
TQSCHDTE contains the Julian date the Process is scheduled to submit.
TQSCHTME contains the time of day the Process is scheduled to submit.
TQSCHDAY contains the day of the week that the Process is scheduled to submit.
TQPRTY contains the priority for Process selection.
TQRETAIN contains the retain status for the Process.
TQTODFLG contains the following interval control flags:

- If TQTODTD is on, a Process has a scheduled time and date it is submitted.

- If TQTOTME is on, a Process has a scheduled time it is submitted.

- If TQTODDAY is on, a Process has a scheduled day of the week it is submitted.

- If TQTODINT is on, a Process is scheduled to run when a specified interval expires.

TQPNODE contains the symbolic node ID of the primary node.
TQSNODE contains the symbolic node ID of the secondary node.
TQSTATUS contains the Process status.

An exception to the table entry TQPARSES occurs in the stage 1 Submit exit. The stage 1 exit runs in the user address space (API) and the network map associated with that address space is where this information is retrieved. The network map used by the API may not be the same network map used by the DTF. The stage 2 Submit exit runs in the DTF address space and is invoked for every submit that takes place; therefore, the stage 2 Submit exit is more reliable.