IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS Summary Report
The IBM® Connect:Direct® for z/OS® Summary Report summarizes activity for the node where the statistics file are examined. The report categorizes IBM Connect:Direct activity by SNODE for a specified time period and a summary for all SNODEs.
Information includes:
- Total Process steps run
- Total COPY steps run
- Total RUN JOB steps run, and RUN JOB steps submitted at this node
- Total RUN TASK steps run, RUN TASK steps executed at this node
- Total SUBMIT (within a Process) steps run and number of Processes submitted at this node
- Number of successful steps and unsuccessful steps
- Total bytes tested, written, sent, and received by this node
- Total elapsed time for all Process steps in this time period
- Average time to complete a Process step
- Total elapsed time for all COPY steps
- Average time to complete a COPY step
- Effective send and receive rates
You can specify the start date and time and the stop date and time.
Following is an example of the IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS Summary Report

The following table contains a description of the report fields.
Report Field | Description |
NODE | Node where the statistics file is being examined. |
SNODE | IBM Connect:Direct secondary node. |
FIRST FUNCTION | Actual date/time that first Process step began executing during specified time period. Includes any step that started before specified time, but is under way or completes during the time period. |
LAST FUNCTION | Actual date/time last Process step finished executing during specified time period. If a step started during specified time period but ended after requested stop time or stop date, it is not included in this report. |
PROCESS STEPS COMPLETED | Total number of Process steps completed in time period. |
TOTAL COPY STEPS | Total number of COPY steps run. |
% TOTAL STEPS RUN WERE COPIES | Percentage of total steps run that are COPY steps. |
TOTAL RUNJOB STEPS | Total number of RUN JOB steps run. |
% TOTAL STEPS RUN WERE RUNJOB | Percentage of total steps run that are RUN JOB steps. |
# RUNJOBS SUBMITTED | Number of RUN JOB steps submitted to run at “NODE.” |
% TOTAL STEPS RUN WERE RUNTASKS | Percentage of total steps run that are RUN TASK steps. |
# RUNTASKS ATTACHED | Number of RUN TASK steps that are attached on “NODE.” |
TOTAL SUBMIT STEPS | Total number of SUBMIT steps run. |
% TOTAL STEPS RUN WERE SUBMITS | Percentage of total steps run that are SUBMIT (within a Process) steps. |
# SUBMITS (WITHIN A PROCESS) | Number of SUBMIT (within a Process) steps submitted to run at “NODE.” |
SUCCESSFUL STEPS | Total number of successful steps. |
% OF TOTAL STEPS RUN WITH ZERO RETURN CODE | Percentage of total successful steps. |
UNSUCCESSFUL STEPS | Total number of unsuccessful steps. |
% OF TOTAL STEPS RUN WITH NON-ZERO RET CD | Percentage of total unsuccessful steps. |
TOTAL BYTES WERE READ | Total number of bytes read by “NODE.” |
TOTAL BYTES WERE SENT | Total number of bytes sent by “NODE.” |
TOTAL BYTES WERE WRITTEN | Total number of bytes written by “NODE.” |
TOTAL BYTES WERE RECEIVED | Total number of bytes received by “NODE.” |
WAS TOTAL “FUNCTION” TIME | Sum of elapsed times of all individual Process steps. The elapsed time for this calculation is the time period between when the step started and when the step completed. |
WAS AVERAGE TIME TO COMPLETE A FUNCTION | Total function time divided by number of Process steps run. |
WAS TOTAL“COPY” TIME | Sum of elapsed times for all individual COPY steps. The elapsed time for this calculation is the time period between when the step started and when the step completed. |
WAS AVERAGE TIME TO COMPLETE A COPY | Total COPY time divided by the total number of COPY steps run. |
EFFECTIVE SEND RATE | Total bytes sent divided by elapsed time. For this calculation, the elapsed time is the time between when the first COPY step in the data set began and the last COPY step in the data set completed. |
EFFECTIVE RECEIVE RATE | Total bytes received divided by elapsed time. For this calculation, the elapsed time is the time between when the first COPY step in the data set began and the last COPY step in the data set completed. |