Transmission Errors

Transmission errors include consistency problems within communication components that can occur during Process execution. The errors can occur within communication components such as VTAM, IBM® Network Control Program (NCP), or links.

This section lists possible transmission errors, error messages, probable causes, actions to take, and data to collect to troubleshoot an error.

Condition: Error During Process Execution Initiation

Error Cause Action Collect
SVTM041I (SNASYNC1: Session abnormally terminated) The session or link was lost before Process execution began. Review both the short text and long text messages. Use your network management software to determine the status of the link, cross-domain definitions, and applids used in the system-to-system communication. Activate the link, cross-domain definitions, or applids as required, and restart the Process
  • None
SVTM053I (Session acquire failure) A protocol error occurred within the IBM Connect:Direct® system. Review both the short text and long text messages. Also, request a session manager trace and an RPL trace.
  • Output from session manager
  • Output from RPL traces

Condition: Unrecoverable Error Occurs while a Process Executes

When an unrecoverable send or receive error occurs within the system-to-system session while a Process executes, the three likely causes of the problem are detailed in the following table. You may need a backup copy of the file if a file I/O error caused a send or receive error. If the error is temporary, retrying the Process might clear up the difficulty.

Error Cause Action Collect
SVTM045I An I/O error within the primary or secondary node causes IBM Connect:Direct to send a negative response to the other location. Review both the short text and long text messages. Accompanying messages indicate the type of error that caused the send or receive session to fail. Check your network management software for VTAM sense codes, then find the reason the sense code was issued. Correct the problem if possible and retry the Process.

In some cases, you need a VTAM buffer or an I/O trace of the error. You may need a backup copy of the file if a file I/O error caused send or receive error. If the error is temporary, retrying the Process might clear up the difficulty.

  • Output from the VTAM buffer or I/O trace
SVTB020I, followed by a U4095 ABEND A IBM Connect:Direct system shuts down with either the IMMEDIATE or FORCE parameter specified on the STOP CD command. Review both the short text and long text messages. Restart IBM Connect:Direct.
  • None

VTAM sense code 0870

VTAM sense code 800A

An error occurs within one of the communication components (VTAM, NCP, or link) Review both the short text and long text messages. The communication component containing the error issues error messages. Various VTAM and NCP definitions are incompatible with IBM Connect:Direct operations. Refer to Selecting RU Sizes in the IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS® Configuration Guide for more information.
  • VTAM definitions
  • NCP definitions