Setting Up and Using the DGAXPRCT Exit
To set up and use the DGAXPRCT Exit, complete the following steps. This roadmap is a high-level view of the procedure. For more information on each step, go to the section referenced in that step.
- Review Overview of Security Options for information on security including interfaces to other security software and sample exits.
- Assemble the DGAXPRCT member in $CD.SDGASAMP library.
- To activate the stage 2 security exit which invokes the DGAXPRCT exit, specify SECURITY.EXIT=modname in the IBM Connect:Direct initialization parameters file (see SECURITY.EXIT = (module name, DATASET | ALL, PSTKT) | OFF SECURITY = (module name, DATASET | ALL, PSTKT) | OFF for information). You can modify the sample security exit, DGAMGSAF, provided in the $CD.SDGASAMP library, to use as the base code for your stage 2 security exit.
- Change the PROCEXIT parameter in the DGASECUR macro to DGAXPRCT. See Enable the DGAXPRCXT Exit.
- Create a PDS member to store parameters specifying how you want to implement the DGAXPRCT Exit, that is, preferences such as which Processes to run and not run and which queue to place unexecuted Processes. See Edit the DGAXPRXCT Parameter Table.
- Add DD statements to allocate the DGAXPRCT table and log information. See Include Required DD Statements.
- Reassemble and link-edit the Stage 2 exit source code. Because the control blocks provided by IBM Connect:Direct that the exit must access are located in storage requiring 31-bit addressability, you must link-edit the module with AMODE 31 to make it capable of executing in 31-bit mode. You must also link-edit the stage 2 security exit as re-entrant and place in an authorized library that the IBM Connect:Direct DTF can access.
- Submit the startup jobstream to start IBM Connect:Direct.
Note: It is not necessary to restart IBM Connect:Direct when you modify the DGAXPRCT parameter table. The new settings are automatically in effect the next time a Process begins executing and invokes the DGAXPRCT exit, which reads the new values in the table. See Reusing the DGAXPRCT Exit for more information.