DGADTDYN Parameters

The RUN TASK command invokes DGADTDYN with parameters that define allocation actions to execute. The following rules apply to the syntax of the parameters:

  • Perform each allocation action with as many parameters as required.
  • Separate each unique allocation action by a parameter containing a fullword of minus one (F'-1').
  • A leading blank on the first parameter is not required; however, you must include a leading blank on all subsequent parameters. If you do not include a leading blank, the program issues an RC=30 and an SRTA005I message for the Process.
  • Parameters must not extend past column 72, or they are not read.

The following table shows the available dynamic allocation functions:

Function Description
ALLOC Use the ALLOC function to allocate a file. The allocation request can contain most job stream DD statement options, including DCB options applicable to allocation. This function is the default.
UNALLOC Use the UNALLOC function to unallocate a file.
CONCAT Use the CONCAT function to concatenate two files.
DECONCAT Use the DECONCAT function to perform dynamic deconcatenation.
LOCATE Use the LOCATE function to locate cataloged data sets.
Note: You cannot access HFS files using DGADTDYN.