Defining APPLID of Local DTF

Define the APPLID of the local IBM® Connect:Direct® DTF. A sample definition for the APPLID of the local DTF follows.

This example is located in the member DGACAPPL of $CD.SDGACNTL.

                    APPC=YES,        ENABLE TO RUN LU6.2 SESSIONS        X
                    AUTH=(ACQ,NOCNM,NOPASS,NOPO,NOTSO,VPACE),            X
                    EAS=n,           APPROXIMATE # OF CONCURRENT SESS    X
                    MODETAB=CDMTAB,  MODE TABLE NAME                     X
                    SONSCIP=NO,      NO UNBIND IN SCIP EXIT              X
                    SRBEXIT=NO,      NO SRB PROCESSING                   X
                    VPACING=n,       RECEIVE PACING                      X
                    DLOGMOD=CDLOGM,  MODE TABLE ENTRY                    X
                    PARSESS=YES,     PARALLEL SESSIONS CAN BE USED       X
                    DSESLIM=n,       # OF CONCURRENT LU6.2 SESSIONS      X
                    DMINWNL=n,       # OF LOCAL CONTENTION WINNERS       X
                    DMINWNR=n,       # OF REMOTE CONTENTION WINNERS      X
                    AUTOSES=n,       # OF AUTOMATIC LU6.2 SESSIONS       X
                    DDRAINL=ALLOW,   ALLOW CNOS TO DRAIN SESSIONS        X
                    LMDENT=n,        SIZE OF HASH TABLE                  X

Optimal settings are:

  • When using IBM Connect:Direct Extended Recovery, change CDAPP4 to CDAPP* to make the APPL dynamic. This change enables the IBM Connect:Direct extended recovery standby to monitor the active IBM Connect:Direct image from a different z/OS image and to take over for that active IBM Connect:Direct image if it fails. This setting applies to both stand-alone servers and IBM Connect:Direct/Plex environments
  • APPC=YES enables LU6.2 support and is required.
  • EAS represents the approximate number of concurrent sessions that this APPL has with all other APPLs (Connect:Direct adjacent nodes and interactive users). The default value is 509. Change the value to one that is realistic for your environment.
  • MODETAB must point to the mode table that contains entries for LU0, LU6.2, and SNA Service Manager mode (SNASVCMG). See Define Logmode Table Entries for the definition of the mode table.
  • Set VPACING to the number of RUs that this DTF receives before being obligated to send a pacing response. For best results, use a minimum value of 7. Larger values increase throughput when receiving data from another DTF.

    Do not specify a value of 0, or omit this parameter, which causes no pacing and can lead to a VTAM buffer shortage.

    DLOGMOD (the default log mode) must refer to an LU0 logmode entry to ensure compatibility with prior releases of IBM Connect:Direct. The LU6.2 logmode name is extracted from the network map.

  • PARSESS=YES parameter is required.
  • Set DSESLIM to the sum of the values specified in DMINWNL and DMINWNR so that DSESLIM is equal to or greater than the largest PARSESS max value in the network map.
  • Set DMINWNL to a value that is no larger than one-half the value of DSESLIM.
  • Set DMINWNR to a value that is no larger than one-half the value of DSESLIM.
  • Set AUTOSES to 1 if this DTF is used in a mixed environment of sending and receiving files. Set AUTOSES to 0 if this DTF is used primarily to receive files.
Note: Use this DTF to send files if you set AUTOSES to 0.
  • DDRAINL=ALLOW enables Change Number of Sessions (CNOS) to drain sessions.
  • DRESPL=ALLOW enables the application program to accept responsibility for deactivating sessions.
  • LMDENT specifies the number of entries to be used for this application program's hash table of remote LUs. The default value is 19.