Connect:Direct Secure Plus Tools
Connect:Direct® Secure Plus for z/OS® consists of three components:
the Administration Tool (Admin Tool), the parameter file, and the
access file. The following sections describe these components and
their purpose within Connect:Direct Secure Plus for z/OS.
Admin Tool
The Admin Tool enables you to configure and maintain the Connect:Direct Secure Plus environment. The Admin Tool is the only interface for creating and maintaining the Connect:Direct Secure Plus parameter file. Other operating system utilities and editing tools do not work.
Connect:Direct Secure Plus Parameter File
The Connect:Direct Secure Plus parameter file contains information that determines the protocol and encryption method used during security-enabled IBM Connect:Direct operations. To configure Connect:Direct Secure Plus , each site must have a parameter file that contains one local node record and a remote node record for each trading partner who uses Connect:Direct Secure Plus to perform a secure connection. The local node record defines the most commonly used security and protocol settings at the site and can be used as a default for one or more remote node records. Each remote node record defines the specific security and protocol used by a trading partner.
Access File
Parameter and Access file best practices
Control Center
Once you have created your Connect:Direct Secure Plus parameter file, you can use IBM Control Center to perform the following functions when implementing the SSL or TLS protocol: