Restarting Task ABENDS

Administrative options exist to either quiesce (allowing pending requests to complete) or immediately shut down a specific node or the entire CICS® Interface. After the shutdown has completed, another administrative option enables you to restart the CICS Interface.

In case the entire CICS Interface ABENDs, CICS is notified. The abnormal termination is recorded in the CICS CWA. When the CICS Interface monitor transaction detects that the interface failed, tries to automatically restart the interface. Users with requests to the interface when it crashed are freed by the CICS Interface monitor and the users are sent a message explaining the problem.

If a WST ABENDs, then the CST is notified. If any request from a CICS user is pending, CST fills in the return code and message for the user, informing the user that the command might have failed. If the failing WST is the only one running for a node, CST attempts to reattach the WST.