Example - Defining a TCP/IP Default Entry

The following example defines a TCP/IP default record using ADJACENT.NODE entries.

/*                                                                  */
/* The following entry is for the TCP/IP default entry              */
/*                                                                  */
 ADJACENT.NODE=(PARSESS=(8,1)               -
  ENVIRONMENT=ZOS                         -
  (TCP.IP.DEFAULT, 2048,, TCP))
Note: For a TCP/IP default entry, the nodename parameter must be TCP.IP.DEFAULT and the session type must be TCP. A TCP/IP default entry is required if any Process uses SNODE=TCPNAME=.

In the previous example, nodename=TCP.IP.DEFAULT, communications name=2048, and session type=TCP. For information about adjacent node entries, see Adjacent Node Entry.

When a Process is submitted, the port number value is determined in the following order:

  1. If the node name within a Process is defined in the network map, the port number associated with the node name entry is used.
  2. If the node name within a Process is not defined in the network map, the port number associated with the default entry is used.
  3. If no port number exists in the communications name field of the default entry, the TCP.LISTEN initialization parameter is used.
  4. If the TCP.LISTEN initialization parameter is not defined, the port number defaults to 1364.

The PARSESS value for the SNODE is determined in the following order:

  1. If the node name within a Process is defined in the network map, the PARSESS value associated with the nodename entry is used.
  2. If the node name within a Process is not defined in the network map, the PARSESS value associated with the default entry is used.
  3. If no PARSESS value is in the default entry, the PARSESS value defaults to (1,0). A PARSESS value of (1,0) means that Processes to the nodes for which the default entry is used are single-threaded.