Accessing Accounting and Logging Information
IBM® Connect:Direct® accounting is accomplished by the DTF. Accounting and statistics are gathered accurately as the DTF enables the userid to be extracted from the UICB for each IBM Connect:Direct command entered.
CICS® logging is accomplished in the background of CICS operations, but does not record all CICS events and does not duplicate any other IBM Connect:Direct logs. Some events also display on the system console, where major CICS events and errors are reported, such as the following:
- Interface startup
- CST attach
- WST attach
- Node signon of dummy CICS ID
- WST session failure
- WST detach
- CST detach
- CST termination
- Administrative commands affecting sessions and requests
- Return information for CICS users who issue a request and then abnormally exit CICS without waiting for the response