Configure Monitoring through Sterling Control Center

Sterling Connect:Direct File Agent can send SNMP traps to IBM Sterling Control Center or other third- party software to monitor Sterling Connect:Direct File Agent activity. The following table describes the monitoring parameters. You can obtain this information from your Sterling Control Center system administrator.

Parameters Description
File Agent unique name Required. Provide a unique name for each Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent instance running on the same host or on a different host, while monitoring similar network drives, and configured to submit processes to the same Sterling Connect:Direct node. This ensures the unique identity of each Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent instance by Sterling Control Center. Failing to do so results in Sterling Control Center treating multiple instances of Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent as one.
SNMP listener address

Type one or more addresses for the SNMP trap receiver, such as Sterling Control Center. Integrated File Agent uses these addresses to send SNMP traps for statistics. This field is optional.

Type a comma separated list of entries in the format address[;port], for example icchost1;1163,icchost2i,;1163. The port value is optional and will default to the SNMP listener port value, or to port 1163 when 0.

SNMP listener port Type the port used by the SNMP trap receiver, such as Sterling Control Center. Port 1163 is the default. This field is optional.
SNMP source port range

Type the ports or port ranges used to pass through a firewall to the SNMP trap receiver, such as Sterling Control Center, when Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent runs behind a firewall. You can specify a maximum of 5 port ranges. This field is optional.

Type the ranges in the format nnnn-nnnn, separated by commas, for example, 5555-7777, 8888-8890, 9999.

SNMP status trap interval

Type the number of seconds that you want Integrated File Agent to wait before sending status traps to SNMP trap receivers, such as Sterling Control Center.

The value can be in the range of 30 .. 3600 seconds. The default is 30 seconds.