Indicating selection criteria

Use the WHERE parameter to specify which records to select, change, or delete based on subparameters, such as Process name or Userid.

Selection subparameters are optional; however, you must specify at least one. These subparameters are special in that they identify which records are selected for the command activity defined by the other parameters.

Use the WHERE parameter to indicate selection criteria for commands which affect Process, Task, Type, User, and Statistic records. For Statistics records, you may also specify WHERE2 which provides support for all *NODE selection criteria. The command function applies to all records which match the selection criteria.

For example, in the CHANGE PROCESS command, you can use the WHERE parameter with its PNUMBER subparameter to select a list of Processes by number and release all of them through the RELEASE parameter.

In the IUI, the WHERE parameter is represented by the list of selection criteria which precedes the command parameters themselves. For example, you see the following on the CHANGE PROCESS screen:

 ==> _____ ==> _____  ==> _____ ==> _____

Additionally, you see lists for Process name and submitter to indicate the selection criteria. The IBM® Connect:Direct® IUI builds the WHERE parameter for the command as it selects the fields from left to right on the screen.