ESS Event Record Examples

The following examples show the ESS event records from a single Copy Process. The examples show the records produced from Process submittal until normal Process termination. The examples assume that no IBM® Connect:Direct® commands affecting the Process [including the SELect PROCess command] are issued between Process submittal and termination.

ESS Event Records Example 1 (No Retries)

In this example, the Process does not undergo a Process retry for any reason. The sequence of ESS event records produced by this Process are listed in the following table:

Record Type Record Description
PS Process submit
QE Process moved to EXEC queue
PI Process initiation
CI COPY step statement start
CE COPY step I/O start
CT COPY termination
NL Last statement (null step 1)
PT Process termination

ESS Event Records Example 2 (One Retry)

This example shows the sequence of ESS records that are produced if the same Process undergoes a single Process retry. IBM Connect:Direct commands are deliberately issued to suspend the Process and then release it for retry. As a result, the following record sequence includes the various operator commands required. The events are in sequential order.

Record Type Record Description
PS Process submit
QE Process moved to EXEC queue
PI Process initiation
CI COPY step statement start
CE COPY step I/O start
FS Suspend Process command issued
CT COPY termination (as a result of requested SUSPEND)
QH Process moved to HOLD queue
CH Change Process command issued with RELEASE=Yes
QE Process moved to EXEC queue
PI Process initiation
CI COPY step start
CE COPY I/O start
CT COPY termination
NL Last statement in Process end
PT Process termination