Building a Test IBM Connect:Direct Configuration (optional)

IBM® Connect:Direct® for z/OS® provides a series of menus that let you customize the installation. Both panel-level and field-level help are available by pressing the PF1 key. Panel-level help identifies required fields and provides general information requested on a panel. To see help for a specific field in a separate pop-up window, place the cursor on an individual field and press the PF1 key.

The installation panels are:

  • The Connect:Direct for z/OS Installation Main Menu, which collects information about how you want to customize your installation, builds a basic test configuration, and provides the IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS Configuration Menu.
  • The Connect:Direct for z/OS Configuration Menu displays information to build a default test configuration you can use as a preliminary version of the network map for testing. After the configuration process is complete, update the network map to include other adjacent nodes in the network. For more information on network maps, see Maintaining the Network Map. This step generates a JCL member (DGAJNETL) that you will run to build a minimal netmap file with a local node and an initialization parameters file which uses all the default settings.
Important: This procedure is intended for new users to assist them in building a test Connect:Direct for z/OS configuration—it is not for existing customers who already have netmaps populated with node information.

To display the installation panels:

  1. Request the TSO COMMAND Option (Option 6) from the ISPF Primary Option Menu and type the following:
    === > EXEC '$CD.SDGAISPC(DGA#CFG2)' '$CD'
  2. When the Connect:Direct for z/OS Installation Main Menu is displayed, enter information in the Permanent DASD Volume Serial No. field. Press Enter.
    Connect:Direct for z/OS     DATE-2015/02/13
    --------        Installation Main Menu      --------       TIME-14:19
    CMD ==>
    C:D System High Level Qualifier ................. CSDQA1.HDGA510____________
    Permanent DASD Device Type ...................... SYSDA___ 
    Permanent DASD Volume Serial No.  ............... ______
    Temporary DASD Device Type ...................... SYSDA___
    Do you wish to configure a Test Connect:Direct... Y  (Must be Y to continue)
    Job Card Information 
    ==> //CDINST  JOB (CD-INSTALL),'CD INSTALL',CLASS=O,_______________ 
    ==> //          MSGCLASS=X,REGION=0M_______________________________ 
    ==> //*____________________________________________________________ 
    ==> //*____________________________________________________________ 
     Press ENTER to continue, PF1 for Help, PF3 to Terminate the Install
  3. When the Connect:Direct for z/OS Configuration Menu is displayed, enter information in the Local Node Name field to identify this node in the netmap (1–16 characters beginning with an alpha character).

    Depending on your protocol, enter the following information:

    • For SNA, specify the VTAM SNA APPLID and VTAM SNA API APPLID fields.
    • For TCP, complete the TCP IP Address or Hostname field (supports IPV4, IPV6 as well as a Hostname).
            IBM Connect:Direct
    for z/OS            DATE-2011/03/04
             -------- Configuration Menu      --------        TIME-13:55
    CMD ==>
    Connect:Direct configuration Information:          
    Local Node Name .............. ________________         
    SNA (Yes or No) .............. N____                    
    VTAM SNA APPLID .............. ________    ________       
    VTAM SNA API APPLID .......... ________              
    TCP (Yes or No) .............. Y____               
    TCP IP Address or Hostname ... __________________________________
    TCP Port Number .............. _______ 
    TCP API Port Number .......... ________    
         Press ENTER to continue, PF1 for Help, PF3 to return

    Press Enter to continue.

  4. When the Connect:Direct for z/OS JCL Generation Menu is displayed, press Enter to generate the JCL.

    The following JCL members are generated in the resultant SDGAJCL dataset:

    • DGAJNETL–JCL to build Netmap
    • DGAJTST–Test Connect:Direct for z/OS JCL
  5. To build the test netmap, run the DGAJNETL job.

    Once the job has run successfully, specify the NETDSN system file initialization parameter in the DGAJPARM member in $CD.SDGACNTL. as the DSN created via the DGAJNETL job. This parameter specifies the file name of the Connect:Direct for z/OS VSAM network map file.