Using the DF IUI Option to Create, Edit, and Submit Processes

The Interactive User Interface (IUI) enables you to modify, create, and submit Processes using the DF option, which is available on the PRIMARY OPTIONS MENU. Using the DF option, you can:

  • Modify a Process
  • Create a new Process
  • Submit a Process
  • Copy statement models to create a Process

The IBM® Connect:Direct® Public Process Library (PUBLIB) contains Process statement models that you can use as templates for creating IBM Connect:Direct Processes. The DF option enables you to copy Process statement models, edit them for your environment using the ISPF editor, and. submit Processes residing in the IBM Connect:Direct PUBLIB or in a library you specify.

Do not edit a sample member directly. Keep the source as is, edit a new name, and then copy the member into the new one. Save as a new name. The SDGAPROC Process library contains alias names that if edited and saved will break the aliases.

The PUBLIB contains commented files and uncommented files. File names of commented files are preceded by the at sign (@); file names with the pound sign (#) prefix do not include comments.

See Validating Processes from the SB, DF, and CF IUI Options for details about how to validate the syntax of a Process with and without submitting it.