Event Record Types

Record type attributes for event records are described in the following paragraphs. The information is organized alphabetically by record type identifier.

CI (COPY Step Initiation)

This record is created immediately prior to the execution of any tasks associated with a COPY statement. The intent of this record is to capture the timing of such work as data set allocation prior to any I/O occurring. In addition to the common attributes, CI has the following individual attributes:

  • COPY step start date/time
  • Step name or label
  • CI record retry count
  • Transfer direction
  • Source file name
  • Destination file name
  • Member name (when applicable)
CE (COPY I/O Start)
This record is created immediately prior to the first block of data transferred in a COPY statement. In addition to the common attributes, CE has the following individual attributes:
  • COPY I/O start date/time
  • Step name or label
  • CE record retry count
EI (Event Request Initiation)

This record is created upon completion of a EVENT SERVICES START command.

Note: The common attributes for Process-related records do not apply to this record.

The following attributes apply to this event:

  • Date/Time the command completed
  • User ID of the user who issued the command
  • Event services request ID
  • Completion code for the command
  • Command parameter string
EL (Event Session Lost)

This record is created when the IBM® Connect:Direct® DTF is lost.

ET (Event Request Stop)

This record is created when an EVENT SERVICES STOP command completes.

Note: The common attributes for Process-related records do not apply to this record.
The following attributes apply to this event:
  • Date/Time the command completed
  • User ID of user who issued the command
  • Event services request ID
  • Completion code for the command
JI (RUN JOB Start)
This record is created immediately before the job specified by the RUN TASK statement is submitted. In addition to common attributes, JI has the following individual attributes:
  • RUN JOB start date/time
  • Step name or label
  • Job name
  • JI record retry count
QE (Process moved to EXEC queue)

This record is created when a Process is moved to the execution queue. In addition to the common attributes, QE has the following individual attributes:

  • Process execution start date/time
  • QE record retry count
PI (Process Initiation)
This record is created immediately prior to when the first Process step is executed. In addition to the common attributes, PI has the following individual attributes:
  • Queue change date/time
  • Execution queue status value
  • PI record retry count
QH (Process moved to the HOLD queue)
This record is created when a Process is moved to the Hold queue, through a problem during Process execution or submission, a SUSPEND PROCESS command issued or a session failure. The reason is identified by the Hold queue status value. In addition to the common attributes, QH has the following individual attributes:
  • Queue change date/time
  • Hold queue status value
  • QH record retry count
QT (Process moved to the TIMER queue)
This record is created whenever a Process is moved to the Timer queue, normally through a Process retry. In addition to the common attributes, QT has the following individual attributes:
  • Queue change date/time
  • Timer queue status value
  • QT record retry count
QW (Process moved to the WAIT queue)
This record is created whenever a Process is moved to the Wait queue from the Hold or Timer queues. In addition to the common attributes, QW has the following individual attributes:
  • Queue change date/time
  • Wait queue status value
  • QW record retry count
TI (RUN TASK Initiation)
This record is created immediately prior to the initiation of the task specified by the RUN TASK statement. In addition to the common attributes, TI has the following individual attributes:
  • RUN TASK start date/time
  • Step name or label
  • Program name
  • TI record retry count
  • Date/time
  • Process name and number
  • Event name
  • Event trigger
  • Event type